[HTML][HTML] Sagnac interference in integrated photonics

H Arianfard, S Juodkazis, DJ Moss, J Wu - Applied Physics Reviews, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
As a fundamental optical approach to interferometry, Sagnac interference has been widely
used for reflection manipulation, precision measurements, and spectral engineering in …

Nonlinear optics in photonic nanowires

MA Foster, AC Turner, M Lipson, AL Gaeta - Optics Express, 2008 - opg.optica.org
Focus Serial: Frontiers of Nonlinear Optics We review recent research on nonlinear optical
interactions in waveguides with sub-micron transverse dimensions, which are termed …

On-chip mode-division multiplexing switch

B Stern, X Zhu, CP Chen, LD Tzuang, J Cardenas… - Optica, 2015 - opg.optica.org
Leveraging the spatial modes of multimode waveguides using mode-division multiplexing
on an integrated photonic chip allows unprecedented scaling of bandwidth density for on …

Low-loss integrated photonic switch using subwavelength patterned phase change material

C Wu, H Yu, H Li, X Zhang, I Takeuchi, M Li - Acs Photonics, 2018 - ACS Publications
Efficient integrated photonic switches play a critical role in both interchip optical
interconnects and data center networks that need to be dynamically reconfigured. Here, we …

High-throughput silicon nanophotonic wavelength-insensitive switch for on-chip optical networks

Y Vlasov, WMJ Green, F **a - Nature photonics, 2008 - nature.com
Recent advances in silicon nanophotonics, including demonstrations of ultracompact
modulators,,,, germanium waveguide photodetectors,, and wavelength-division …

Reflection and transmission of a wave incident on a slab with a time-periodic dielectric function

JR Zurita-Sánchez, P Halevi… - Physical Review A …, 2009 - APS
We present a theoretical description of the response of a dynamic slab, with time-periodic
dielectric function ϵ (t), to a normally incident monochromatic plane wave of frequency ω o …

Ultra-low power parametric frequency conversion in a silicon microring resonator

AC Turner, MA Foster, AL Gaeta, M Lipson - Optics express, 2008 - opg.optica.org
We demonstrate parametric wavelength conversion via four-wave mixing using ultra-low
peak pump powers of a few milliwatts in a micrometer-scale silicon device. The response …

Optomechanical ring resonator for efficient microwave-optical frequency conversion

IT Chen, B Li, S Lee, S Chakravarthi, KM Fu… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
Phonons traveling in solid-state devices are emerging as a universal excitation for coupling
different physical systems. Phonons at microwave frequencies have a similar wavelength to …

Design space exploration of microring resonators in silicon photonic interconnects: impact of the ring curvature

M Bahadori, M Nikdast, S Rumley, LY Dai… - Journal of lightwave …, 2018 - opg.optica.org
A detailed analysis of fundamental tradeoffs between ring radius and coupling gap size is
presented to draw realistic borders of the possible design space for microring resonators …

Optical interconnection networks for high-performance computing systems

A Biberman, K Bergman - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
Enabled by silicon photonic technology, optical interconnection networks have the potential
to be a key disruptive technology in computing and communication industries. The enduring …