[HTML][HTML] Fifty years of Landsat science and impacts
Since 1972, the Landsat program has been continually monitoring the Earth, to now provide
50 years of digital, multispectral, medium spatial resolution observations. Over this time …
50 years of digital, multispectral, medium spatial resolution observations. Over this time …
Invasive alien plant species: Their impact on environment, ecosystem services and human health
Ecological perturbations caused by biotic invasion have been identified as a growing threat
to global sustainability. Invasive alien plants species (IAPS) are considered to be one of the …
to global sustainability. Invasive alien plants species (IAPS) are considered to be one of the …
Want to model a species niche? A step-by-step guideline on correlative ecological niche modelling
The use of correlative ecological niche models has highly increased in the last decade.
Despite all literature and textbooks in this field, few practical guidelines exist on the correct …
Despite all literature and textbooks in this field, few practical guidelines exist on the correct …
Essential biodiversity variables for map** and monitoring species populations
Species distributions and abundances are undergoing rapid changes worldwide. This
highlights the significance of reliable, integrated information for guiding and assessing …
highlights the significance of reliable, integrated information for guiding and assessing …
Species distribution modelling supports the study of past, present and future biogeographies
J Franklin - Journal of Biogeography, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Species distribution modelling (SDM), also called environmental or ecological niche
modelling, has developed over the last 30 years as a widely used tool used in core areas of …
modelling, has developed over the last 30 years as a widely used tool used in core areas of …
A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing
Landsat data are increasingly used for ecological monitoring and research. These data often
require preprocessing prior to analysis to account for sensor, solar, atmospheric, and …
require preprocessing prior to analysis to account for sensor, solar, atmospheric, and …
Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models
In the face of the growing challenges brought about by human activities, effective planning
and decision-making in biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, restoration, and …
and decision-making in biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, restoration, and …
Species distribution modeling for machine learning practitioners: A review
Conservation science depends on an accurate understanding of what's happening in a
given ecosystem. How many species live there? What is the makeup of the population? How …
given ecosystem. How many species live there? What is the makeup of the population? How …