Addressing school safety through comprehensive school climate approaches
School climate has received considerable attention in the literature and educational policy
as a potential target for school improvement and school safety efforts. This paper provides a …
as a potential target for school improvement and school safety efforts. This paper provides a …
Young adult literature: From romance to realism
M Cart - 2022 - books.google.com
Editorial Advisory Board: Sarah Park Dahlen, Associate Professor, School of Information
Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Marianne Martens, Associate Professor …
Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Marianne Martens, Associate Professor …
Exclusionary school discipline and delinquent outcomes: A meta-analysis
Excluding students from school remains a common form of punishment despite growing
critique of the practice. A disparate research base has impeded the ability to make broader …
critique of the practice. A disparate research base has impeded the ability to make broader …
An examination of US school mass shootings, 2017–2022: Findings and implications
Objectives Gun violence in the USA is a pressing social and public health issue. As rates of
gun violence continue to rise, deaths resulting from such violence rise as well. School …
gun violence continue to rise, deaths resulting from such violence rise as well. School …
Reconceptualizing school safety for Black students
Ensuring a psychologically and physically safe learning environment for students and staff is
necessary for students to learn and grow and for teachers to teach. However, for Black …
necessary for students to learn and grow and for teachers to teach. However, for Black …
Bullying as a developmental precursor to sexual and dating violence across adolescence: Decade in review
Adolescent bullying continues to be a major focus of scholarship across the globe. This
article reviews research from 2010 to 2021 with a particular focus on longitudinal studies of …
article reviews research from 2010 to 2021 with a particular focus on longitudinal studies of …
Peer victimization (bullying) on mental health, behavioral problems, cognition, and academic performance in preadolescent children in the ABCD Study
Objective Peer victimization is a substantial early life stressor linked to psychiatric symptoms
and poor academic performance. However, the sex-specific cognitive or behavioral …
and poor academic performance. However, the sex-specific cognitive or behavioral …
Adolescents' meaning in life as a resilience factor between bullying victimization and life satisfaction
Y Seon, S Smith-Adcock - Children and Youth Services Review, 2023 - Elsevier
Meaning in life (MIL) was examined as a resilience factor buffering and compensating for the
negative relationship between bullying victimization and life satisfaction using a nationally …
negative relationship between bullying victimization and life satisfaction using a nationally …
[BOOK][B] Confronting school violence: A synthesis of six decades of research
School violence is a significant social concern. To better understand its sources, a
comprehensive meta-analysis of the school violence and victimization literature was …
comprehensive meta-analysis of the school violence and victimization literature was …
Rates and types of student aggression against teachers: A comparative analysis of US elementary, middle, and high schools
Student perpetrated violence against teachers is widespread, yet few studies differentiate
teacher experiences of violence by school level (ie, elementary, middle, and high school) …
teacher experiences of violence by school level (ie, elementary, middle, and high school) …