Classical dynamical density functional theory: from fundamentals to applications
Classical dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) is one of the cornerstones of modern
statistical mechanics. It is an extension of the highly successful method of classical density …
statistical mechanics. It is an extension of the highly successful method of classical density …
[КНИГА][B] The Cahn–Hilliard equation: recent advances and applications
A Miranville - 2019 - SIAM
This book discusses classical results, as well as recent developments, related to the Cahn–
Hilliard equation. It is based on the lectures that I gave at the CBMS-NSF Conference on the …
Hilliard equation. It is based on the lectures that I gave at the CBMS-NSF Conference on the …
Numerical methods for nonlocal and fractional models
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used with huge success to model phenomena
across all scientific and engineering disciplines. However, across an equally wide swath …
across all scientific and engineering disciplines. However, across an equally wide swath …
Maximum principle preserving exponential time differencing schemes for the nonlocal Allen--Cahn equation
The nonlocal Allen--Cahn equation, a generalization of the classic Allen--Cahn equation by
replacing the Laplacian with a parameterized nonlocal diffusion operator, satisfies the …
replacing the Laplacian with a parameterized nonlocal diffusion operator, satisfies the …
The exponential scalar auxiliary variable (E-SAV) approach for phase field models and its explicit computing
In this paper, we consider an exponential scalar auxiliary variable (E-SAV) approach to
obtain energy stable schemes for a class of phase field models. This novel auxiliary variable …
obtain energy stable schemes for a class of phase field models. This novel auxiliary variable …
The phase field method for geometric moving interfaces and their numerical approximations
This chapter surveys recent numerical advances in the phase field method for geometric
surface evolution and related geometric nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) …
surface evolution and related geometric nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) …
Maximum bound principle preserving integrating factor Runge–Kutta methods for semilinear parabolic equations
A large class of semilinear parabolic equations satisfy the maximum bound principle (MBP)
in the sense that the time-dependent solution preserves for any time a uniform pointwise …
in the sense that the time-dependent solution preserves for any time a uniform pointwise …
Time-fractional Allen–Cahn equations: analysis and numerical methods
In this work, we consider a time-fractional Allen–Cahn equation, where the conventional first
order time derivative is replaced by a Caputo fractional derivative with order α ∈ (0, 1) …
order time derivative is replaced by a Caputo fractional derivative with order α ∈ (0, 1) …
Convergence analysis for the invariant energy quadratization (IEQ) schemes for solving the Cahn–Hilliard and Allen–Cahn equations with general nonlinear potential
In this paper, we carry out stability and error analyses for two first-order, semi-discrete time
step** schemes, which are based on the newly developed invariant energy quadratization …
step** schemes, which are based on the newly developed invariant energy quadratization …
A robust and efficient fingerprint image restoration method based on a phase-field model
In this study, we present a robust and efficient fingerprint image restoration algorithm using
the nonlocal Cahn–Hilliard (CH) equation, which was proposed for modeling the …
the nonlocal Cahn–Hilliard (CH) equation, which was proposed for modeling the …