Are numbers special? An overview of chronometric, neuroimaging, developmental and comparative studies of magnitude representation
There is a current debate whether the human brain possesses a shared representation for
various types of magnitude such as numerical quantities, physical size, or loudness. Here …
various types of magnitude such as numerical quantities, physical size, or loudness. Here …
Map** of non-numerical domains on space: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The spatial numerical association of response code (SNARC) effect is characterized by low
numbers mapped to the left side of space and high numbers mapped to the right side of …
numbers mapped to the left side of space and high numbers mapped to the right side of …
[PDF][PDF] On the cognitive link between space and number: A meta-analysis of the SNARC effect
An association of numbers and space (SNARC effect) has been examined in an ever
growing literature. In the present quantitative meta-analysis, 46 studies with a total of 106 …
growing literature. In the present quantitative meta-analysis, 46 studies with a total of 106 …
Numerical representation in the parietal lobes: Abstract or not abstract?
The study of neuronal specialisation in different cognitive and perceptual domains is
important for our understanding of the human brain, its typical and atypical development …
important for our understanding of the human brain, its typical and atypical development …
The universal SNARC effect: The association between number magnitude and space is amodal
It is thought that number magnitude is represented in an abstract and amodal way on a left-
to-right oriented mental number line. Major evidence for this idea has been provided by the …
to-right oriented mental number line. Major evidence for this idea has been provided by the …
Mental number line, number line estimation, and mathematical achievement: their interrelations in grades 5 and 6.
As indicated by the distance effect and the spatial–numerical association of response codes
(SNARC) effect, natural numbers are mentally represented on a number line. Purportedly …
(SNARC) effect, natural numbers are mentally represented on a number line. Purportedly …
Horizontal spatial representations of time: Evidence for the STEARC effect
It is well known that stimuli such as numerals (small vs large) and auditory pitches (low vs
high) have spatial characteristics, and that responses to such stimuli are biased by the …
high) have spatial characteristics, and that responses to such stimuli are biased by the …
Spatial associations for musical stimuli: A piano in the head?
This study was aimed at examining whether pitch height and pitch change are mentally
represented along spatial axes. A series of experiments explored, for isolated tones and 2 …
represented along spatial axes. A series of experiments explored, for isolated tones and 2 …
How does working memory enable number-induced spatial biases?
Number-space associations are a robust observation, but their underlying mechanisms
remain debated. Two major accounts have been identified. First, spatial codes may …
remain debated. Two major accounts have been identified. First, spatial codes may …
Size matters: Non-numerical magnitude affects the spatial coding of response
It is known that small and large numbers facilitate left/right respectively (the SNARC effect).
Recently, it has been proposed that numerical magnitude is just one example of a range of …
Recently, it has been proposed that numerical magnitude is just one example of a range of …