Computational advantage of quantum random sampling
Quantum random sampling is the leading proposal for demonstrating a computational
advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
An atomic boson sampler
A boson sampler implements a restricted model of quantum computing. It is defined by the
ability to sample from the distribution resulting from the interference of identical bosons …
ability to sample from the distribution resulting from the interference of identical bosons …
Classical algorithm for simulating experimental Gaussian boson sampling
Gaussian boson sampling is a form of non-universal quantum computing that has been
considered a promising candidate for showing experimental quantum advantage. While …
considered a promising candidate for showing experimental quantum advantage. While …
Entanglement perspective on the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
Many quantum algorithms seek to output a specific bitstring solving the problem of interest—
or a few if the solution is degenerate. It is the case for the quantum approximate optimization …
or a few if the solution is degenerate. It is the case for the quantum approximate optimization …
Noise and the frontier of quantum supremacy
Noise is the defining feature of the NISQ era, but it remains unclear if noisy quantum devices
are capable of quantum speedups. Quantum supremacy experiments have been a major …
are capable of quantum speedups. Quantum supremacy experiments have been a major …
Simulating the quantum Fourier transform, Grover's algorithm, and the quantum counting algorithm with limited entanglement using tensor networks
Quantum algorithms reformulate computational problems as quantum evolutions in a large
Hilbert space. Most quantum algorithms assume that the time evolution is perfectly unitary …
Hilbert space. Most quantum algorithms assume that the time evolution is perfectly unitary …
Classical simulation of boson sampling based on graph structure
Boson sampling is a fundamentally and practically important task that can be used to
demonstrate quantum supremacy using noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. In this …
demonstrate quantum supremacy using noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. In this …
Spoofing cross-entropy measure in boson sampling
Cross-entropy (XE) measure is a widely used benchmark to demonstrate quantum
computational advantage from sampling problems, such as random circuit sampling using …
computational advantage from sampling problems, such as random circuit sampling using …
Simulating lossy Gaussian boson sampling with matrix-product operators
Gaussian boson sampling, a computational model that is widely believed to admit quantum
supremacy, has already been experimentally demonstrated and is claimed to surpass the …
supremacy, has already been experimentally demonstrated and is claimed to surpass the …
On classical simulation algorithms for noisy boson sampling
We present a classical algorithm that approximately samples from the output distribution of
certain noisy Boson Sampling experiments. This algorithm is inspired by a recent result of …
certain noisy Boson Sampling experiments. This algorithm is inspired by a recent result of …