Minimal Depth Distinguishing Formulas Without Until for Branching Bisimulation

J Martens, JF Groote - Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice …, 2024 - Springer
In an algorithm for distinguishing formulas for branching bisimulation is proposed. This
algorithm has two shortcomings. First, it uses a dedicated until operator, and second, the …

The complexity of deciding characteristic formulae in van Glabbeek's branching-time spectrum

L Aceto, A Achilleos, A Chalki, A Ingólfsdóttir - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
Characteristic formulae give a complete logical description of the behaviour of processes
modulo some chosen notion of behavioural semantics. They allow one to reduce …

[PDF][PDF] The Complexity of Bisimilarity by Partition Refinement

JJM Martens - 2024 -
Modern society is increasingly dependent on information technology. In almost every aspect
of our lives, some form of an information system is present. The presence of these systems …

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J Martens, JFG ID iD - Logics and Type Systems in Theory and …, 2024 -
In [16] an algorithm for distinguishing formulas for branching bisimulation is proposed. This
algorithm has two shortcomings. First, it uses a dedicated until operator, and second, the …