Green capabilities and green purchasing practices: A strategy striving towards sustainable operations
SAR Khan, Z Yu, M Umar… - Business Strategy and the …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Increasing businesses adverse operations and unsustainable practices are causing rise in
environmental concerns. The adoption of green capabilities could be a promising step that …
environmental concerns. The adoption of green capabilities could be a promising step that …
Green purchasing capabilities and practices towards Firm's triple bottom line in Malaysia
The study has aimed to develop a conceptual framework on green purchasing capabilities
and green purchasing practices towards triple bottom line performance in Malaysia's …
and green purchasing practices towards triple bottom line performance in Malaysia's …
Comparing public and private organisations in their quest to become a preferred customer of suppliers
H Schiele - Journal of public procurement, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose In industrial procurement, the concept of supplier satisfaction has gained
increasing attention. Satisfied suppliers have been found to provide better prices, more …
increasing attention. Satisfied suppliers have been found to provide better prices, more …
Analysis of manufacturing supply chain agility performance using Taguchi loss functions and design of experiment
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the agility performance level of
manufacturing supply chains using Taguchi loss functions (TLFs) and design of experiment …
manufacturing supply chains using Taguchi loss functions (TLFs) and design of experiment …
Performance analysis of agile manufacturing: a case study on an Indian auto component manufacturer
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a set of key performance indicators (KPIs)
for agile manufacturing (AM) and to propose a methodology for its performance evaluation …
for agile manufacturing (AM) and to propose a methodology for its performance evaluation …
An application of the Kano model and retail service quality scale to Vietnamese supermarkets
HT Nguyen - International Journal of Productivity and …, 2020 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper presents the results of a study applying the Kano model for analysing, classifying,
and prioritising customers' requirements in the context of Vietnamese retail service. A …
and prioritising customers' requirements in the context of Vietnamese retail service. A …
Users' satisfaction attributes analysis toward betterment of classroom furniture design for Bangladeshi university students
This study examined student perceptions of classroom furniture design for the purposes of
raising satisfaction levels and durability. This study incorporated the Kano model to analyze …
raising satisfaction levels and durability. This study incorporated the Kano model to analyze …
Increasing preferential treatment through supplier satisfaction: The impact of social exchange theory, resource dependency theory and culture
B Mirzaei - 2023 - research.utwente.nl
The current globally competitive environment is affected by technological changes, shorter
product life cycles, supply chain disruptions, rapid changes in the customer needs and …
product life cycles, supply chain disruptions, rapid changes in the customer needs and …
Designing chicken feeder aids using Kano-ergonomic function deployment in West Sumatra small and medium sized enterprise
This study aims to design aids for layer chicken feeders in an ergonomic traditional coop
using Kano-ergonomic function deployment (EFD). The integration of Kano model and EFD …
using Kano-ergonomic function deployment (EFD). The integration of Kano model and EFD …
A novel method to prioritise the ergonomic attributes of a passenger car using fuzzy approach
A Dutta, APS Rathore - International Journal of Business …, 2021 - inderscienceonline.com
Understanding the ergonomic needs of passengers and driver of a car has widespread
implications. For this, the major ergonomic attributes of a car need to be identified and …
implications. For this, the major ergonomic attributes of a car need to be identified and …