Connecting competences and pedagogical approaches for sustainable development in higher education: A literature review and framework proposal
Research into and practice of Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD) have
been increasing during the last two decades. These have focused on providing …
been increasing during the last two decades. These have focused on providing …
Sustainability in engineering education: A review of learning outcomes
Although UNESCO and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals have articulated the
critical role of engineering in achieving sustainable forms of development, there remains the …
critical role of engineering in achieving sustainable forms of development, there remains the …
[HTML][HTML] Teaching sustainability in European higher education institutions: Assessing the connections between competences and pedagogical approaches
There has been considerable progress in the incorporation of sustainable development (SD)
into higher education institutions' curricula. This has included research on competences for …
into higher education institutions' curricula. This has included research on competences for …
Approaches to embedding sustainability in teacher education: A synthesis of the literature
This study investigated how teacher education academics embed sustainability education in
learning and teaching, using a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles …
learning and teaching, using a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles …
Sustainability reporting in higher education: a comprehensive review of the recent literature and paths for further research
Over the last decade, sustainability reporting (SR) has gained importance in both profit and
non-profit environments. In spite of the slowly emerging trend of SR in higher education, it is …
non-profit environments. In spite of the slowly emerging trend of SR in higher education, it is …
A systematic review of the literature on integrating sustainability into engineering curricula
Higher education plays an important role in furthering the sustainability agenda, as reflected
in a growing body of literature. While there have been several recent reviews of this work …
in a growing body of literature. While there have been several recent reviews of this work …
An in-depth literature review of the evolving roles and contributions of universities to education for sustainable development
B Karatzoglou - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013 - Elsevier
Universities have been consistently considered significant contributors to the pursuit of
regional sustainability initiatives for over two decades. The composite nature of sustainable …
regional sustainability initiatives for over two decades. The composite nature of sustainable …
[KNJIGA][B] Implementing sustainability in higher education: Learning in an age of transformation
M Barth - 2014 -
In a time of unprecedented transformation as society seeks to build a more sustainable
future, education plays an increasingly central role in training key agents of change. This …
future, education plays an increasingly central role in training key agents of change. This …
Sustainability in the Modernization of Higher Education: Curricular Transformation and Sustainable Campus—A Literature Review
Supported by a literature review, the present article looks to address the issue of
sustainability in the modernization of higher education. Education for sustainability and the …
sustainability in the modernization of higher education. Education for sustainability and the …
Traversing the evolution of research on engineering education for sustainability: A bibliometric review (1991–2022)
Engineering education plays a pivotal role in cultivating the engineering capacity for
sustainable development. Nonetheless, there has been no comprehensive review that …
sustainable development. Nonetheless, there has been no comprehensive review that …