Geophysical characterization of the interiors of Ganymede, Callisto and Europa by ESA's JUpiter ICy moons Explorer

T Van Hoolst, G Tobie, C Vallat, N Altobelli… - Space Science …, 2024 - Springer
Abstract The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) of ESA was launched on 14 April 2023
and will arrive at Jupiter and its moons in July 2031. In this review article, we describe how …

The Europa clipper gravity and radio science investigation

E Mazarico, D Buccino, J Castillo-Rogez… - Space Science …, 2023 - Springer
The primary objective of the Europa Clipper mission is to assess the habitability of Europa,
an overarching goal that rests on improving our understanding of Europa's interior structure …

Measurement and implications of Saturn's gravity field and ring mass

L Iess, B Militzer, Y Kaspi, P Nicholson, D Durante… - Science, 2019 -
INTRODUCTION The interior structure of Saturn, the depth of its winds, and the mass and
age of its rings have been open questions in planetary science. The mass distribution inside …

Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan

V Lainey, LG Casajus, J Fuller, M Zannoni, P Tortora… - Nature …, 2020 -
Saturn is orbited by dozens of moons, and the intricate dynamics of this complex system
provide clues about its formation and evolution. Tidal friction within Saturn causes its moons …

Powering prolonged hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus

G Choblet, G Tobie, C Sotin, M Běhounková… - Nature …, 2017 -
Geophysical data from the Cassini spacecraft imply the presence of a global ocean
underneath the ice shell of Enceladus, only a few kilometres below the surface in the South …

A recently formed ocean inside Saturn's moon Mimas

V Lainey, N Rambaux, G Tobie, N Cooper, Q Zhang… - Nature, 2024 -
Moons potentially harbouring a global ocean are tending to become relatively common
objects in the Solar System. The presence of these long-lived global oceans is generally …

Modeling climate diversity, tidal dynamics and the fate of volatiles on TRAPPIST-1 planets

M Turbet, E Bolmont, J Leconte, F Forget… - Astronomy & …, 2018 -
TRAPPIST-1 planets are invaluable for the study of comparative planetary science outside
our solar system and possibly habitability. Both transit timing variations (TTV) of the planets …

Enceladus's ice shell structure as a window on internal heat production

DJ Hemingway, T Mittal - Icarus, 2019 - Elsevier
Its extraordinary level of geologic activity, its potential for habitability, and the prospects of
returning samples from its plume of erupting water ice make Saturn's small (∼ 500 km …

The orbits of the main Saturnian satellites, the Saturnian system gravity field, and the orientation of Saturn's pole

RA Jacobson - The Astronomical Journal, 2022 -
Four spacecraft have been sent to investigate the Saturnian system: Pioneer 11, Voyager 1,
Voyager 2, and Cassini. By analyzing data acquired with these spacecraft together with …

The science case for a return to Enceladus

ML Cable, C Porco, CR Glein… - The planetary …, 2021 -
The plume of Enceladus is unique in the solar system in providing direct access to fresh
material from an extraterrestrial subsurface ocean. The Cassini Mission, though not …