Unstructured grid techniques

DJ Mavriplis - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 1997 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract An overview of the current state of the art in unstructured mesh techniques for
computational fluid dynamics is given. The topics of mesh generation and adaptation, spatial …

Convergence analysis of pseudo-transient continuation

CT Kelley, DE Keyes - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 1998 - SIAM
Pseudo-transient continuation (Ψ tc) is a well-known and physically motivated technique for
computation of steady state solutions of time-dependent partial differential equations …

Aerodynamic optimization algorithm with integrated geometry parameterization and mesh movement

JE Hicken, DW Zingg - AIAA journal, 2010 - arc.aiaa.org
An efficient gradient-based algorithm for aerodynamic shape optimization is presented. The
algorithm consists of several components, including a novel integrated geometry …

Parallel Newton-Krylov solver for the Euler equations discretized using simultaneous approximation terms

JE Hicken, DW Zingg - AIAA journal, 2008 - arc.aiaa.org
We present a parallel Newton–Krylov algorithm for solving the three-dimensional Euler
equations on multiblock structured meshes. The Euler equations are discretized on each …

Parallel Newton–Krylov–Schur Flow Solver for the Navier–Stokes Equations

M Osusky, DW Zingg - AIAA journal, 2013 - arc.aiaa.org
The objective of the present paper is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a spatial
discretization based on summation-by-parts operators with simultaneous approximation …

A high-order accurate unstructured finite volume Newton–Krylov algorithm for inviscid compressible flows

A Nejat, C Ollivier-Gooch - Journal of Computational Physics, 2008 - Elsevier
A fast implicit Newton–Krylov finite volume algorithm has been developed for high-order
unstructured steady-state computation of inviscid compressible flows. The matrix-free …

Modified preconditioned Newton-Krylov approaches for Navier-Stokes equations using nodal integral method

N Ahmed, S Singh, RP Bharti - Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2025 - Elsevier
Nodal integral methods (NIMs) have been proven effective in solving a wide range of
scientific and engineering problems by providing accurate solutions with coarser grids …

Physics‐based preconditioning of Jacobian‐free Newton–Krylov solver for Navier–Stokes equations using nodal integral method

N Ahmed, S Singh, N Kumar - International Journal for …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The nodal integral methods (NIMs) have found widespread use in the nuclear industry for
neutron transport problems due to their high accuracy. However, despite considerable …

An assessment of linear versus nonlinear multigrid methods for unstructured mesh solvers

DJ Mavriplis - Journal of Computational Physics, 2002 - Elsevier
The relative performance of a nonlinear full approximation storage multigrid algorithm and
an equivalent linear multigrid algorithm for solving two different nonlinear problems is …

[BOOK][B] Efficiency improvements of RANS-based analysis and optimization using implicit and adjoint methods on unstructured grids

RP Dwight - 2006 - search.proquest.com
The efficiency of an unstructured grid finite volume RANS solver is significantly improved
using two implicit methods based on differing philosophies. The LU-SGS multigrid method …