Numerical homogenization beyond scale separation

R Altmann, P Henning, D Peterseim - Acta Numerica, 2021 -
Numerical homogenization is a methodology for the computational solution of multiscale
partial differential equations. It aims at reducing complex large-scale problems to simplified …

[KNIHA][B] Numerical homogenization by localized orthogonal decomposition

A Målqvist, D Peterseim - 2020 - SIAM
The objective of this book is to introduce the reader to the Localized Orthogonal
Decomposition (LOD) method for solving partial differential equations with multiscale data …

Port-Hamiltonian formulations of poroelastic network models

R Altmann, V Mehrmann, B Unger - Mathematical and Computer …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
We investigate an energy-based formulation of the two-field poroelasticity model and the
related multiple-network model as they appear in geosciences or medical applications. We …

Explicit computational wave propagation in micro-heterogeneous media

R Maier, D Peterseim - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2019 - Springer
Explicit time step** schemes are popular for linear acoustic and elastic wave propagation
due to their simple nature which does not require sophisticated solvers for the inversion of …

Preconditioning Markov chain Monte Carlo method for geomechanical subsidence using multiscale method and machine learning technique

M Vasilyeva, A Tyrylgin, DL Brown, A Mondal - Journal of Computational …, 2021 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider the numerical solution of the poroelasticity problem with stochastic
properties. We present a Two-stage Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for geomechanical …

Computational multiscale methods for linear poroelasticity with high contrast

S Fu, R Altmann, ET Chung, R Maier… - Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
In this work, we employ the Constraint Energy Minimizing Generalized Multiscale Finite
Element Method (CEM-GMsFEM) to solve the problem of linear heterogeneous …

A space-time multiscale method for parabolic problems

P Ljung, R Maier, A Målqvist - Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 2022 - SIAM
We present a space-time multiscale method for a parabolic model problem with an
underlying coefficient that may be highly oscillatory with respect to both the spatial and the …

Computational multiscale methods in unstructured heterogeneous media

R Maier - 2020 -
In this thesis, we consider the numerical approximation of solutions of partial differential
equations that exhibit some kind of multiscale features. Such equations describe, for …

Semi-explicit discretization schemes for weakly coupled elliptic-parabolic problems

R Altmann, R Maier, B Unger - Mathematics of Computation, 2021 -
We prove first-order convergence of the semi-explicit Euler scheme combined with a finite
element discretization in space for elliptic-parabolic problems which are weakly coupled …

A decoupling and linearizing discretization for weakly coupled poroelasticity with nonlinear permeability

R Altmann, R Maier - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022 - SIAM
We analyze a semiexplicit time discretization scheme of first order for poroelasticity with
nonlinear permeability provided that the elasticity model and the flow equation are only …