Cyber-physical-social interdependencies and organizational resilience: A review of water, transportation, and cyber infrastructure systems and processes

S Mohebbi, Q Zhang, EC Wells, T Zhao… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Building resilience in critical infrastructures for smart and connected cities requires
consideration of different types of interdependencies. Previous research has mainly …

Resilience-based design of infrastructure: Review of models, methodologies, and computational tools

M Shadabfar, M Mahsuli, Y Zhang, Y Xue… - ASCE-ASME Journal …, 2022 -
The quest to answer the longstanding question of how safe is safe enough has led to an
evolution of design philosophies. The traditional philosophy has been based on ensuring …

A framework for the resilience analysis of electric infrastructure systems including temporary generation systems

SSH Toroghi, VM Thomas - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020 - Elsevier
A quantitative framework is developed to assess the resilience of an electric infrastructure
system, including the contributions of temporary service systems. The framework …

Resilience and vulnerability of public transportation fare systems: The case of the city of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

T Santos, MA Silva, VA Fernandes, G Marsden - Sustainability, 2020 -
Resilience is the ability of a system to adapt, persist, and transform as a reaction to threats,
which may be external or internal to the system, while vulnerability is the state of being …

Violence in public transport: an analysis of resilience and vulnerability in the city of rio de Janeiro

MHSA Cardoso, TF Santos, MAV Silva - urbe. Revista Brasileira de …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Indicators of violence involving public transportation have reached alarming levels in most
Brazilian states, hampering mobility. This article aims to identify the level of vulnerability and …

Mobilidade urbana e desigualdades de gênero na cidade de São Paulo

ASCD Hannas, GC Moreira, A Cruz - urbe. Revista Brasileira de …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
A acessibilidade ea mobilidade espacial, na maioria das cidades brasileiras, seguem um
padrão de desigualdades de circulação entre grupos de indivíduos, incluindo disparidades …

Assessing mobility resilience and vulnerability in the context of challenging transportation fare policies: a case study of Rio de Janeiro

T Santos, M Cardoso, MAV Silva… - urbe. Revista Brasileira …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
Resilience of urban mobility is an emerging topic, with most studies focusing on natural
disasters or technical disturbances. However, there is a gap in understanding the resilience …

Assessing the effect of physical and social parameters on seismic risk of urban transportation networks

VS Harandi, KA Hosseini, B Mansouri - International Journal of Disaster …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, a comprehensive model is presented to assess the seismic risk of urban
transportation networks. Hazard, vulnerability, response capacity and functional components …

Resilience and Vulnerability of Urban Mobility Systems in Develo** Countries: A Case Study of Rio De Janeiro's Transportation Fare Policy

T Santos, VA Fernandes, M Cardoso… - Available at SSRN …, 2023 -
Resilience of urban mobility is an increasing topic within the academic community. However,
most studies are related to threats related to natural disasters (eg, earthquakes, floods) or …

Review of the “Sisu Seriya” School Bus Service

AS Kumarage, T Kandanaarachchi… - Journal of South Asian …, 2022 -
School Transport is considered an essential service that provides equitable access to school
children who have difficulties in accessing their respective schools. Different school …