Cyber-physical-social interdependencies and organizational resilience: A review of water, transportation, and cyber infrastructure systems and processes
Building resilience in critical infrastructures for smart and connected cities requires
consideration of different types of interdependencies. Previous research has mainly …
consideration of different types of interdependencies. Previous research has mainly …
Resilience-based design of infrastructure: Review of models, methodologies, and computational tools
The quest to answer the longstanding question of how safe is safe enough has led to an
evolution of design philosophies. The traditional philosophy has been based on ensuring …
evolution of design philosophies. The traditional philosophy has been based on ensuring …
A framework for the resilience analysis of electric infrastructure systems including temporary generation systems
A quantitative framework is developed to assess the resilience of an electric infrastructure
system, including the contributions of temporary service systems. The framework …
system, including the contributions of temporary service systems. The framework …
Resilience and vulnerability of public transportation fare systems: The case of the city of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Resilience is the ability of a system to adapt, persist, and transform as a reaction to threats,
which may be external or internal to the system, while vulnerability is the state of being …
which may be external or internal to the system, while vulnerability is the state of being …
Violence in public transport: an analysis of resilience and vulnerability in the city of rio de Janeiro
Indicators of violence involving public transportation have reached alarming levels in most
Brazilian states, hampering mobility. This article aims to identify the level of vulnerability and …
Brazilian states, hampering mobility. This article aims to identify the level of vulnerability and …
Mobilidade urbana e desigualdades de gênero na cidade de São Paulo
ASCD Hannas, GC Moreira, A Cruz - urbe. Revista Brasileira de …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
A acessibilidade ea mobilidade espacial, na maioria das cidades brasileiras, seguem um
padrão de desigualdades de circulação entre grupos de indivíduos, incluindo disparidades …
padrão de desigualdades de circulação entre grupos de indivíduos, incluindo disparidades …
Assessing mobility resilience and vulnerability in the context of challenging transportation fare policies: a case study of Rio de Janeiro
Resilience of urban mobility is an emerging topic, with most studies focusing on natural
disasters or technical disturbances. However, there is a gap in understanding the resilience …
disasters or technical disturbances. However, there is a gap in understanding the resilience …
Assessing the effect of physical and social parameters on seismic risk of urban transportation networks
In this paper, a comprehensive model is presented to assess the seismic risk of urban
transportation networks. Hazard, vulnerability, response capacity and functional components …
transportation networks. Hazard, vulnerability, response capacity and functional components …
Resilience and Vulnerability of Urban Mobility Systems in Develo** Countries: A Case Study of Rio De Janeiro's Transportation Fare Policy
Resilience of urban mobility is an increasing topic within the academic community. However,
most studies are related to threats related to natural disasters (eg, earthquakes, floods) or …
most studies are related to threats related to natural disasters (eg, earthquakes, floods) or …
Review of the “Sisu Seriya” School Bus Service
School Transport is considered an essential service that provides equitable access to school
children who have difficulties in accessing their respective schools. Different school …
children who have difficulties in accessing their respective schools. Different school …