Multiple stressors: modeling the effect of pollution, climate, and predation on viability of a sub‐arctic marine bird
Negative effects of long‐transported pollutants, such as many persistent organic pollutants
(POP s), on seabirds and other top predators have been documented for decades. Yet, the …
(POP s), on seabirds and other top predators have been documented for decades. Yet, the …
Migration and wintering of a declining seabird, the thick-billed murre Uria lomvia, on an ocean basin scale: Conservation implications
Pelagic seabirds are exposed to an array of potential threats during the non-breeding
period, and effective management of these threats on a large scale requires knowledge of …
period, and effective management of these threats on a large scale requires knowledge of …
Spatial and temporal variations in seabird bycatch: incidental bycatch in the Norwegian coastal gillnet-fishery
The general decline of seabird populations worldwide raises large concerns. Although
multiple factors are interacting to cause the observed trends, increased mortality from …
multiple factors are interacting to cause the observed trends, increased mortality from …
Overexploitation, recovery, and warming of the Barents Sea ecosystem during 1950–2013
The Barents Sea (BS) is a high-latitude shelf ecosystem with important fisheries, high and
historically variable harvesting pressure, and ongoing high variability in climatic conditions …
historically variable harvesting pressure, and ongoing high variability in climatic conditions …
Top‐down control of a marine mesopredator: Increase in native white‐tailed eagles accelerates the extinction of an endangered seabird population
Bottom‐up control is an important regulator of marine mesopredators such as seabirds. The
prevalence of top‐down control on these species is however less well understood. In …
prevalence of top‐down control on these species is however less well understood. In …
Anthropogenic impacts on the demographics of Arctic-breeding birds
The Arctic supports a diversity of breeding birds. Since the mid-twentieth century,
anthropogenic-source climate change, industrial activity and harvest have impacted this …
anthropogenic-source climate change, industrial activity and harvest have impacted this …
[HTML][HTML] What's the catch with lumpsuckers? A North Atlantic study of seabird bycatch in lumpsucker gillnet fisheries
Worldwide, incidental bycatch in fisheries is a conservation threat to many seabird species.
Although knowledge on bycatch of seabirds has increased in the last decade, most stems …
Although knowledge on bycatch of seabirds has increased in the last decade, most stems …
Combined bottom‐up and top‐down pressures drive catastrophic population declines of Arctic skuas in Scotland
Understanding drivers of population change is critical for effective species conservation. In
the northeast Atlantic Ocean, recent changes amongst seabird communities are linked to …
the northeast Atlantic Ocean, recent changes amongst seabird communities are linked to …
Ecosystem Kongsfjorden: new views after more than a decade of research
C Wiencke, H Hop - Polar Biology, 2016 - Springer
The Kongsfjorden System in Svalbard is an established reference site for Arctic marine
studies that hosts numerous, international, multidisciplinary collaborative science projects …
studies that hosts numerous, international, multidisciplinary collaborative science projects …
Earlier colony arrival but no trend in hatching timing in two congeneric seabirds (Uria spp.) across the North Atlantic
A global analysis recently showed that seabird breeding phenology (as the timing of egg-
laying and hatching) does not, on average, respond to temperature changes or advance …
laying and hatching) does not, on average, respond to temperature changes or advance …