Conformal field theory out of equilibrium: a review
We provide a pedagogical review of the main ideas and results in non-equilibrium conformal
field theory and connected subjects. These concern the understanding of quantum transport …
field theory and connected subjects. These concern the understanding of quantum transport …
Scattering matrix approach to the description of quantum electron transport
GB Lesovik, IA Sadovskyy - Physics-Uspekhi, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the scattering matrix approach to quantum electron transport in meso-and
nanoconductors. This approach is an alternative to the more conventional kinetic equation …
nanoconductors. This approach is an alternative to the more conventional kinetic equation …
Correlation functions and transport coefficients in generalised hydrodynamics
We review the recent advances on exact results for dynamical correlation functions at large
scales and related transport coefficients in interacting integrable models. We discuss Drude …
scales and related transport coefficients in interacting integrable models. We discuss Drude …
Quantum noise as an entanglement meter
Transport in a quantum point contact (QPC) can be used to generate many-body
entanglement of Fermi seas in the leads. A universal relation is found between the …
entanglement of Fermi seas in the leads. A universal relation is found between the …
Entanglement entropy from charge statistics: Exact relations for noninteracting many-body systems
We present an exact expression for the entanglement entropy generated at a quantum point
contact between noninteracting electronic leads in terms of the full counting statistics of …
contact between noninteracting electronic leads in terms of the full counting statistics of …
Fluctuations in ballistic transport from Euler hydrodynamics
B Doyon, J Myers - Annales Henri Poincaré, 2020 - Springer
We propose a general formalism, within large-deviation theory, giving access to the exact
statistics of fluctuations of ballistically transported conserved quantities in homogeneous …
statistics of fluctuations of ballistically transported conserved quantities in homogeneous …
Non-equilibrium steady states in conformal field theory
We present a construction of non-equilibrium steady states in one-dimensional quantum
critical systems carrying energy and charge fluxes. This construction is based on a scattering …
critical systems carrying energy and charge fluxes. This construction is based on a scattering …
Transport fluctuations in integrable models out of equilibrium
We propose exact results for the full counting statistics, or the scaled cumulant generating
function, pertaining to the transfer of arbitrary conserved quantities across an interface in …
function, pertaining to the transfer of arbitrary conserved quantities across an interface in …
[PDF][PDF] Entropic fluctuations in quantum statistical mechanics. An introduction
Entropic Fluctuations in Quantum Statistical Mechanics An Introduction Page 1 Entropic
Fluctuations in Quantum Statistical Mechanics An Introduction V. JAKŠI C a, Y. OGATA b, Y …
Fluctuations in Quantum Statistical Mechanics An Introduction V. JAKŠI C a, Y. OGATA b, Y …
Non-equilibrium steady states in the Klein–Gordon theory
Non-equilibrium steady states in the Klein–Gordon theory - IOPscience Skip to content IOP
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