Boosting: Empowering citizens with behavioral science
Behavioral public policy came to the fore with the introduction of nudging, which aims to
steer behavior while maintaining freedom of choice. Responding to critiques of nudging (eg …
steer behavior while maintaining freedom of choice. Responding to critiques of nudging (eg …
It takes a village: The economics of parenting with neighborhood and peer effects
As children reach adolescence, peer interactions become increasingly central to their
development, whereas the direct influence of parents wanes. Nevertheless, parents may …
development, whereas the direct influence of parents wanes. Nevertheless, parents may …
[หนังสือ][B] Deliberate ignorance: Choosing not to know
R Hertwig, C Engel - 2021 - books.google.com
Psychologists, economists, historians, computer scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and
legal scholars explore the conscious choice not to seek information. The history of …
legal scholars explore the conscious choice not to seek information. The history of …
Simon's scissors: meta-heuristics for decision-makers
Purpose Are there smart ways to find heuristics? What are the common principles behind
heuristics? We propose an integrative definition of heuristics, based on insights that apply to …
heuristics? We propose an integrative definition of heuristics, based on insights that apply to …
Studies in ecological rationality
Ecological rationality represents an alternative to classic frameworks of rationality. Extending
on Herbert Simon's concept of bounded rationality, it holds that cognitive processes …
on Herbert Simon's concept of bounded rationality, it holds that cognitive processes …
The psychology of life's most important decisions.
Research on judgment and decision making typically studies “small worlds”—highly
simplified and stylized tasks such as monetary gambles—among homogenous populations …
simplified and stylized tasks such as monetary gambles—among homogenous populations …
Quantum-like influence diagrams for decision-making
This article proposes a novel and comprehensive framework on how to describe the
probabilistic nature of decision-making process. We suggest extending the quantum-like …
probabilistic nature of decision-making process. We suggest extending the quantum-like …
Strategic thinking: A random walk into the rabbit hole
At its best, strategic thinking yields an advantage needed to beat an opponent. At the least, it
protects the person from exploitation. In four studies, conducted in two countries, we used a …
protects the person from exploitation. In four studies, conducted in two countries, we used a …
Variance, skewness and multiple outcomes in described and experienced prospects: Can one descriptive model capture it all?
We determined the scope of five decision models of choices across four environmental
niches defined by whether outcome probabilities are described (risk) or experienced by …
niches defined by whether outcome probabilities are described (risk) or experienced by …
Ecological rationality and economics: where the Twain shall meet
Over the past decades psychological theories have made significant headway into
economics, culminating in the 2002 (partially) and 2017 Nobel prizes awarded for work in …
economics, culminating in the 2002 (partially) and 2017 Nobel prizes awarded for work in …