Phoresy in animals: review and synthesis of a common but understudied mode of dispersal

AW Bartlow, SJ Agosta - Biological Reviews, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Phoresy is a type of interaction in which one species, the phoront, uses another species, the
dispersal host, for transportation to new habitats or resources. Despite being a widespread …

[HTML][HTML] Parasite loss or parasite gain? Story of Contracaecum nematodes in antipodean waters

S Shamsi - Parasite epidemiology and control, 2019 - Elsevier
Contracaecum spp. are parasitic nematodes belonging to the family Anisakidae. They are
known to be able to have highly pathogenic impacts on both wildlife (fish, birds, marine …

The individual and combined effects of cadmium, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) microplastics and their polyalkylamines modified forms on meiobenthic features in a …

T Wakkaf, M Allouche, AH Harrath, L Mansour… - Environmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
A microcosm experiment was carried out to study the ecotoxicity and interactions between
heavy metals and polyvinyl chloride microplastics. Fifteen treatments were tested and results …

[HTML][HTML] An Arctic natural oil seep investigated from space to the seafloor

G Panieri, C Argentino, SP Ramalho, F Vulcano… - Science of the Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Due to climate change, decreasing ice cover and increasing industrial activities, Arctic
marine ecosystems are expected to face higher levels of anthropogenic stress. To sustain …

Nematode mitochondrial metagenomics: A new tool for biodiversity analysis

EM Gendron, JL Sevigny, I Byiringiro… - Molecular Ecology …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
DNA barcoding approaches have greatly increased our understanding of biodiversity on the
planet, and metabarcoding is widely used for classifying members of the phylum Nematoda …

Future ocean climate homogenizes communities across habitats through diversity loss and rise of generalist species

M Colossi Brustolin, I Nagelkerken… - Global Change …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Predictions of the effects of global change on ecological communities are largely based on
single habitats. Yet in nature, habitats are interconnected through the exchange of energy …

The exposure to polyvinyl chloride microplastics and chrysene induces multiple changes in the structure and functionality of marine meiobenthic communities

A Hedfi, MB Ali, M Korkobi, M Allouche… - Journal of hazardous …, 2022 - Elsevier
The effects of microplastics and sorbed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at community
levels were rarely assessed in laboratory experiments, despite their obvious advantage in …

Temporal and spatial variability of free-living nematodes in a beach system characterized by domestic and industrial impacts (Bandar Abbas, Persian Gulf, Iran)

N Sahraeian, HH Sahafi, H Mosallanejad, J Ingels… - Ecological …, 2020 - Elsevier
Intertidal nematode assemblages along three beaches with different types of anthropogenic
activity were collected in the northern part of the Persian Gulf, near Bandar Abbas (Iran) …

Ecotoxic response of nematodes to ivermectin, a potential anti-COVID-19 drug treatment

N Essid, M Allouche, M Lazzem, AH Harrath… - Marine Pollution …, 2020 - Elsevier
At the end of March 2020, ivermectin was confirmed as a drug for COVID-19 treatment. A
significant amount of ivermectin could deposit into sediments of the semi-closed …

[PDF][PDF] 18S-NemaBase: Curated 18S rRNA database of nematode sequences

K Gattoni, EMS Gendron, R Sandoval-Ruiz… - Journal of …, 2023 -
Nematodes are the most abundant and diverse animals on the planet but lack
representation in biodiversity research. This presents a problem for studying nematode …