tilting modules in the mixed case

L Sutton, D Tubbenhauer, P Wedrich, J Zhu - Selecta Mathematica, 2023 - Springer
Using the non-semisimple Temperley–Lieb calculus, we study the additive and monoidal
structure of the category of tilting modules for SL 2 in the mixed case. This simultaneously …

Growth rates of the number of indecomposable summands in tensor powers

K Coulembier, V Ostrik, D Tubbenhauer - Algebras and Representation …, 2024 - Springer
Growth Rates of the Number of Indecomposable Summands in Tensor Powers Page 1
Algebras and Representation Theory (2024) 27:1033–1062 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-023-10245-7 …

A basis theorem for the degenerate affine oriented Brauer–Clifford supercategory

J Brundan, J Comes, JR Kujawa - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 2019 - cambridge.org
We introduce the oriented Brauer–Clifford and degenerate affine oriented Brauer–Clifford
supercategories. These are diagrammatically defined monoidal supercategories that …

Integral Schur–Weyl duality for partition algebras

C Bowman, S Doty, S Martin - Algebraic Combinatorics, 2022 - numdam.org
Let V be a free module of rank n over a commutative ring. We prove that tensor space V⊗ r
satisfies Schur–Weyl duality, regarded as a bimodule for the action of the group algebra of …

Schur–Weyl duality over commutative rings

T Cruz - Communications in Algebra, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The classical case of Schur–Weyl duality states that the actions of the group algebras of GLn
and Sd on the dth-tensor power of a free module of finite rank centralize each other. We …

Characteristic-free resolutions of Weyl and Specht modules

AP Santana, I Yudin - Advances in Mathematics, 2012 - Elsevier
Characteristic-free resolutions of Weyl and Specht modules Page 1 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
Advances in Mathematics 229 (2012) 2578–2601 www.elsevier.com/locate/aim …

Schur–Weyl dualities for the rook monoid: an approach via Schur algebras

CA M. André, I Legatheaux Martins - Semigroup Forum, 2024 - Springer
The rook monoid, also known as the symmetric inverse monoid, is the archetypal structure
when it comes to extend the principle of symmetry. In this paper, we establish a Schur–Weyl …

Schur-Weyl duality for toroidal algebras of type A

V Chari, L Grimley, Z Lin, CR Mangum… - Communications in …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Full article: Schur-Weyl duality for toroidal algebras of type A Skip to Main Content Taylor and
Francis Online homepage Browse Search Publish James McAuley Your account Account …

Canonical bases and new applications of increasing and decreasing subsequences to invariant theory

C Bowman, S Doty, S Martin - Journal of Algebra, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract In 2012 Raghavan, Samuel, and Subrahmanyam showed that the Kazhdan–Lusztig
basis for the Iwahori–Hecke algebra in type A provides a “canonical” basis for the centraliser …

[HTML][HTML] Asymptotic codimensions of Mk (E)

A Berele, A Regev - Advances in Mathematics, 2020 - Elsevier
We show that the codimension sequence of the algebra of k× k matrices over the
Grassmann algebra, cn (M k (E)), is asymptotic to α n 1− k 2 2 (2 k 2) n, where α is an …