From facilitation to competition: Temperature‐driven shift in dominant plant interactions affects population dynamics in seminatural grasslands
Biotic interactions are often ignored in assessments of climate change impacts. However,
climate‐related changes in species interactions, often mediated through increased …
climate‐related changes in species interactions, often mediated through increased …
Nutrient enrichment is associated with altered nectar and pollen chemical composition in Succisa pratensis Moench and increased larval mortality of its pollinator …
T Ceulemans, E Hulsmans, W Vanden Ende… - Plos one, 2017 - journals.plos.org
Pollinators are declining worldwide and possible underlying causes include disease,
invasive pest species and large scale land use changes resulting in habitat loss and …
invasive pest species and large scale land use changes resulting in habitat loss and …
The collapse of marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) populations associated with declining host plant abundance
Monophagous butterflies often have smaller ranges than their host plants, which could relate
to host plant abundance. Many specialist butterflies have already gone regionally extinct …
to host plant abundance. Many specialist butterflies have already gone regionally extinct …
Climate change and grassland management interactively influence the population dynamics of Bromus erectus (Poaceae)
J Lemmer, M Andrzejak, A Compagnoni… - Basic and Applied …, 2021 - Elsevier
Climate and land management are important environmental drivers that affect the structure
of terrestrial plant communities worldwide. Demographic studies allow a mechanistic …
of terrestrial plant communities worldwide. Demographic studies allow a mechanistic …
Changes in reproduction mediate the effects of climate change and grassland management on plant population dynamics
M Andrzejak, TM Knight, C Plos… - Ecological …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change is one of the largest threats to grassland plant species, which can be
modified by land management. Although climate change and land management are …
modified by land management. Although climate change and land management are …
Genetic and Habitat Rescue Improve Population Viability in Self‐Incompatible Plants
Habitat fragmentation and the acceleration of environmental change threaten the survival of
many plant species. The problem is especially pronounced for plant species with self …
many plant species. The problem is especially pronounced for plant species with self …
Stochastic effects contribute to population fitness differences
Demographic rates differ between populations and also fluctuate over time, sometimes
driving large fitness differences, but the strength of stochastic effects remain heretofore …
driving large fitness differences, but the strength of stochastic effects remain heretofore …
Ellenberg's indicator values support prediction of suitable habitat for pre-diapause larvae of endangered butterfly Euphydryas aurinia
In spite of the great popularity of Ellenberg's Indicator Values (EIVs) in plant ecology, animal
ecologists seldom use EIVs to address ecological questions. In this study we used EIVs to …
ecologists seldom use EIVs to address ecological questions. In this study we used EIVs to …
Generation time in stage-structured populations under fluctuating environments
A common measure of generation time is the average distance between two recruitment
events along a genetic lineage. In populations with stage structure that live in a constant …
events along a genetic lineage. In populations with stage structure that live in a constant …
Morphological variability and genetic diversity in Carex buxbaumii and Carex hartmaniorum (Cyperaceae) populations
Background Carex buxbaumii and C. hartmaniorum are sister species of the clade
Papilliferae within the monophyletic section Racemosae. An unambiguous identification of …
Papilliferae within the monophyletic section Racemosae. An unambiguous identification of …