[Књига][B] Learning and awareness

F Marton, S Booth - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of
learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious differences …

Teorías cognitivas del aprendizaje

JI Pozo - 2006 - torrossa.com
Es sabido que en los ùltimos afios se ha producido un importante cambio de orientacién en
la psicologia cientifica. Tras un largo periodo de predominio de la psicologia conductista, se …

On phenomenography, learning and teaching

S Booth - Higher education research & development, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
Phenomenographic research has tackled questions concerning the variation in ways in
which people experience the phenomena they meet in the world around them. The empirical …

Detecting failures of backward induction: Monitoring information search in sequential bargaining

EJ Johnson, C Camerer, S Sen, T Rymon - Journal of economic theory, 2002 - Elsevier
We did experiments in a three-round bargaining game where the (perfect) equilibrium offer
was 1.25andanequalsplitwas 2.50. The average offer was 2.11.Patternsofinformationsearch(measuredwithacomputerizedinformationdis …

The role of learning from examples in the acquisition of recursive programming skills.

PL Pirolli, JR Anderson - Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue …, 1985 - psycnet.apa.org
Nous présentons une analyse et un modèle de simulation de protocoles verbaux de deux
étudiants de niveau collégial (Sujet SS et AD) et d'un enfant de huit ans (Sujet JP) qui …

[PDF][PDF] The case for case studies of programming problems

MC Linn, MJ Clancy - Communications of the ACM, 1992 - dl.acm.org
of the programming problem;(b) a narrative description of the process used by an expert to
solve the problem, written so that a student can understand the expert's approach;(c) a …

Learning strategies and transfer in the domain of programming

P Pirolli, M Recker - Cognition and instruction, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
We report two studies involving an intelligent tutoring system for Lisp (the Camegie Mellon
University Lisp Tutor). In Experiment 1, we developed a model, based on production system …

[Књига][B] Cognitive psychology

K Haberlandt - 1997 - psycnet.apa.org
This book is intended as a text for a basic course in cognitive psychology. Its goal is to
convey fundamental information about the excitements and challenges in the study of the …

Difficulties experienced by education and sociology students in quantitative methods courses

M Murtonen, E Lehtinen - Studies in Higher education, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
This study describes difficulties experienced in learning quantitative methods by university
students. Education and sociology students were asked to rate different topics on the basis …

Teaching and learning recursive programming: a review of the research literature

R McCauley, S Grissom, S Fitzgerald… - Computer Science …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Hundreds of articles have been published on the topics of teaching and learning recursion,
yet fewer than 50 of them have published research results. This article surveys the …