Nanoparticles for topical application in the treatment of skin dysfunctions—an overview of dermo-cosmetic and dermatological products
M Raszewska-Famielec, J Flieger - International Journal of Molecular …, 2022 -
Nanomaterials (NM) arouse interest in various fields of science and industry due to their
composition-tunable properties and the ease of modification. They appear currently as …
composition-tunable properties and the ease of modification. They appear currently as …
[HTML][HTML] Advance and challenges in the treatment of skin diseases with the transdermal drug delivery system
T Cheng, Z Tai, M Shen, Y Li, J Yu, J Wang, Q Zhu… - Pharmaceutics, 2023 -
Skin diseases are among the most prevalent non-fatal conditions worldwide. The
transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) has emerged as a promising approach for treating …
transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) has emerged as a promising approach for treating …
[HTML][HTML] Nanotechnology-based alternatives for the topical delivery of immunosuppressive agents in psoriasis
Psoriasis is a recurring, immune-mediated dermatological disorder. Many therapeutic
agents are available for the treatment of psoriasis, including immunosuppressants and …
agents are available for the treatment of psoriasis, including immunosuppressants and …
Formulation development and in vitro/in vivo characterization of methotrexate-loaded nanoemulsion gel formulations for enhanced topical delivery
Methotrexate-loaded oil-in-water nanoemulsion formulations were prepared using the high
shear homogenization technique. A drug excipient study (ATR-FTIR) was carried out to …
shear homogenization technique. A drug excipient study (ATR-FTIR) was carried out to …
Recent approaches for the topical treatment of psoriasis using nanoparticles
Psoriasis (PSO) is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by the rapid and
excessive growth of skin cells, which leads to the formation of thick, red, and scaly patches …
excessive growth of skin cells, which leads to the formation of thick, red, and scaly patches …
Recent progress in the application of plant-based colloidal drug delivery systems in the pharmaceutical sciences
The potential for utilizing plant-derived components, such as plant proteins,
polysaccharides, lipids, and phospholipids, to create targeted drug delivery systems has …
polysaccharides, lipids, and phospholipids, to create targeted drug delivery systems has …
[HTML][HTML] A complex molecular landscape to drug delivery concept for achieving precise therapy in psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that has a major effect on the quality of life for
millions of people throughout the world. The pathogenesis of psoriasis has revealed intricate …
millions of people throughout the world. The pathogenesis of psoriasis has revealed intricate …
In vitro and in vivo investigation of a dual-targeted nanoemulsion gel for the amelioration of psoriasis
Psoriasis, due to its unique pathological manifestations and the limited success of existing
therapeutic modalities, demands dedicated domain research. Our group has developed …
therapeutic modalities, demands dedicated domain research. Our group has developed …
[HTML][HTML] Novel hydrogels for topical applications: An updated comprehensive review based on source
Y Almoshari - Gels, 2022 -
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) or drugs are normally not delivered as pure
chemical substances (for the prevention or the treatment of any diseases). APIs are still …
chemical substances (for the prevention or the treatment of any diseases). APIs are still …
Aceclofenac and methotrexate combination therapy could influence Th1/Th17 axis to modulate rheumatoid-arthritis-induced inflammation
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory, autoimmune and connective-tissue
arthropathy. The methotrexate (MTX) and aceclofenac (ACL) combination drug regimen is …
arthropathy. The methotrexate (MTX) and aceclofenac (ACL) combination drug regimen is …