A global phylogeny of turtles reveals a burst of climate-associated diversification on continental margins
Living turtles are characterized by extraordinarily low species diversity given their age. The
clade's extensive fossil record indicates that climate and biogeography may have played …
clade's extensive fossil record indicates that climate and biogeography may have played …
A gene for all seasons: The evolutionary consequences of HIF-1 in carcinogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis
Oxygen played a pivotal role in the evolution of multicellularity during the Cambrian
Explosion. Not surprisingly, responses to fluctuating oxygen concentrations are integral to …
Explosion. Not surprisingly, responses to fluctuating oxygen concentrations are integral to …
A universal scaling relationship between body mass and proximal limb bone dimensions in quadrupedal terrestrial tetrapods
Background Body size is intimately related to the physiology and ecology of an organism.
Therefore, accurate and consistent body mass estimates are essential for inferring …
Therefore, accurate and consistent body mass estimates are essential for inferring …
Biogeographic analysis reveals ancient continental vicariance and recent oceanic dispersal in amphibians
RA Pyron - Systematic biology, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Amphibia comprises over 7000 extant species distributed in almost every ecosystem on
every continent except Antarctica. Most species also show high specificity for particular …
every continent except Antarctica. Most species also show high specificity for particular …
Spatiotemporal Diversification of the True Frogs (Genus Rana): A Historical Framework for a Widely Studied Group of Model Organisms
True frogs of the genus Rana are widely used as model organisms in studies of
development, genetics, physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolution. Comparative studies …
development, genetics, physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolution. Comparative studies …
Multilocus phylogeny and statistical biogeography clarify the evolutionary history of major lineages of turtles
Despite their complex evolutionary history and the rich fossil record, the higher level
phylogeny and historical biogeography of living turtles have not been investigated in a …
phylogeny and historical biogeography of living turtles have not been investigated in a …
The reptiles of Paraguay: literature, distribution, and an annotated taxonomic checklist
P Cacciali, NJ Scott, AL Aquino Ortíz, LA Fitzgerald… - 2016 - digitalrepository.unm.edu
Our goal is to provide a current list of reptile species of Paraguay, with maps of their known
occurrences. Surprisingly little research has been conducted on the reptile fauna of …
occurrences. Surprisingly little research has been conducted on the reptile fauna of …
To name or not to name: criteria to promote economy of change in supraspecific Linnean classification schemes
The Linnaean classification system provides the universal reference system for
communicating about the diversity of life and its hierarchic history. Several limitations that …
communicating about the diversity of life and its hierarchic history. Several limitations that …
A review of the fossil record of North American turtles of the clade Pan-Testudinoidea
E Vlachos - Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 2018 - BioOne
Turtles of the clade Pan-Testudinoidea have a rich fossil record in North America, including
the Caribbean, ranging from the late Paleocene to the Holocene. All earlier reports cannot …
the Caribbean, ranging from the late Paleocene to the Holocene. All earlier reports cannot …
A biogeographic synthesis of the amphibians and reptiles of Indochina
RH Bain, MM Hurley - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 2011 - BioOne
ABSTRACT Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam) houses over 600 species of
amphibians and reptiles, roughly a quarter of which has been described within the last 15 …
amphibians and reptiles, roughly a quarter of which has been described within the last 15 …