Macroscopic quantum states: Measures, fragility, and implementations

F Fröwis, P Sekatski, W Dür, N Gisin… - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018 - APS
Large-scale quantum effects have always played an important role in the foundations of
quantum theory. With recent experimental progress and the aspiration for quantum …

Leggett-Garg inequalities in the quantum field theory of neutrino oscillations

M Blasone, F Illuminati, L Petruzziello, L Smaldone - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
We investigate Leggett-Garg inequalities for neutrino oscillations in the quantum field
theoretical setting. We derive an exact flavor-mass uncertainty relation and prove that this …

Necessary and sufficient conditions for macroscopic realism from quantum mechanics

L Clemente, J Kofler - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
Macroscopic realism, the classical world view that macroscopic objects exist independently
of and are not influenced by measurements, is usually tested using Leggett-Garg …

No-signaling-in-time as a condition for macrorealism: the case of neutrino oscillations

M Blasone, F Illuminati, L Petruzziello… - The European Physical …, 2023 - Springer
We consider two necessary and sufficient conditions for macrorealism recently appeared in
the literature, known as no-signaling-in-time and arrow-of-time conditions, respectively, and …

Leggett-Garg inequality in the context of three flavor neutrino oscillation

J Naikoo, AK Alok, S Banerjee, SU Sankar - Physical Review D, 2019 - APS
The present work is devoted to the characterization of the Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI) for
three flavored neutrino oscillations in the presence of both matter and charge-conjugation …

Nonclassicality of the harmonic-oscillator coherent state persisting up to the macroscopic domain

S Bose, D Home, S Mal - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
Can the most “classical-like” of all quantum states, namely the Schrödinger coherent state of
a harmonic oscillator, exhibit nonclassical behavior? We find that for an oscillating object …

Loophole-free interferometric test of macrorealism using heralded single photons

K Joarder, D Saha, D Home, U Sinha - PRX Quantum, 2022 - APS
We show unambiguous violations of the different macrorealist inequalities, like the Leggett-
Garg inequality (LGI) and its variant called Wigner's form of the Leggett-Garg inequality …

Comparing conditions for macrorealism: Leggett-Garg inequalities versus no-signaling in time

JJ Halliwell - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
We consider two different types of conditions which were proposed to test macrorealism in
the context of a system described by a single dichotomic variable Q. This is the view that a …

Mass-Independent Scheme to Test the Quantumness of a Massive Object

D Das, D Home, H Ulbricht, S Bose - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
The search for empirical schemes to evidence the nonclassicality of large masses is a
central quest of current research. However, practical schemes to witness the irreducible …

Probing various formulations of macrorealism for unsharp quantum measurements

S Kumari, AK Pan - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Standard Leggett-Garg inequalities (SLGIs) were formulated for testing incompatibility
between the classical world view of macrorealism and quantum mechanics. In recent times …