Macroscopic quantum states: Measures, fragility, and implementations
Large-scale quantum effects have always played an important role in the foundations of
quantum theory. With recent experimental progress and the aspiration for quantum …
quantum theory. With recent experimental progress and the aspiration for quantum …
Leggett-Garg inequalities in the quantum field theory of neutrino oscillations
We investigate Leggett-Garg inequalities for neutrino oscillations in the quantum field
theoretical setting. We derive an exact flavor-mass uncertainty relation and prove that this …
theoretical setting. We derive an exact flavor-mass uncertainty relation and prove that this …
Necessary and sufficient conditions for macroscopic realism from quantum mechanics
Macroscopic realism, the classical world view that macroscopic objects exist independently
of and are not influenced by measurements, is usually tested using Leggett-Garg …
of and are not influenced by measurements, is usually tested using Leggett-Garg …
No-signaling-in-time as a condition for macrorealism: the case of neutrino oscillations
We consider two necessary and sufficient conditions for macrorealism recently appeared in
the literature, known as no-signaling-in-time and arrow-of-time conditions, respectively, and …
the literature, known as no-signaling-in-time and arrow-of-time conditions, respectively, and …
Leggett-Garg inequality in the context of three flavor neutrino oscillation
The present work is devoted to the characterization of the Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI) for
three flavored neutrino oscillations in the presence of both matter and charge-conjugation …
three flavored neutrino oscillations in the presence of both matter and charge-conjugation …
Nonclassicality of the harmonic-oscillator coherent state persisting up to the macroscopic domain
Can the most “classical-like” of all quantum states, namely the Schrödinger coherent state of
a harmonic oscillator, exhibit nonclassical behavior? We find that for an oscillating object …
a harmonic oscillator, exhibit nonclassical behavior? We find that for an oscillating object …
Loophole-free interferometric test of macrorealism using heralded single photons
We show unambiguous violations of the different macrorealist inequalities, like the Leggett-
Garg inequality (LGI) and its variant called Wigner's form of the Leggett-Garg inequality …
Garg inequality (LGI) and its variant called Wigner's form of the Leggett-Garg inequality …
Comparing conditions for macrorealism: Leggett-Garg inequalities versus no-signaling in time
JJ Halliwell - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
We consider two different types of conditions which were proposed to test macrorealism in
the context of a system described by a single dichotomic variable Q. This is the view that a …
the context of a system described by a single dichotomic variable Q. This is the view that a …
Mass-Independent Scheme to Test the Quantumness of a Massive Object
The search for empirical schemes to evidence the nonclassicality of large masses is a
central quest of current research. However, practical schemes to witness the irreducible …
central quest of current research. However, practical schemes to witness the irreducible …
Probing various formulations of macrorealism for unsharp quantum measurements
Standard Leggett-Garg inequalities (SLGIs) were formulated for testing incompatibility
between the classical world view of macrorealism and quantum mechanics. In recent times …
between the classical world view of macrorealism and quantum mechanics. In recent times …