Systematic guidance on usability methods in user-centered software development
L Cayola, JA Macías - Information and Software Technology, 2018 - Elsevier
Context In order to ensure usability, it is necessary to schedule activities and methods to be
applied throughout different stages of the development process. There exists a substantial …
applied throughout different stages of the development process. There exists a substantial …
A template for writing security requirements
Quality security requirements contribute to the success of secure software development.
However, the process of eliciting and writing security requirements is tedious and complex, It …
However, the process of eliciting and writing security requirements is tedious and complex, It …
Maturity model for secure software testing
Security is an essential attribute of high‐quality software. However, effectively incorporating
security practices into different phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) …
security practices into different phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) …
An automated security concerns recommender based on use case specification ontology
Identifying security concerns is a security activity that can be integrated into the requirements
development phase. However, it has been shown that manually identifying concerns is a …
development phase. However, it has been shown that manually identifying concerns is a …
Automated support to capture and validate security requirements for mobile apps
Mobile application usage has become widespread and significant as it allows interactions
between people and services anywhere and anytime. However, issues related to security …
between people and services anywhere and anytime. However, issues related to security …
Meeting real challenges in eliciting security attributes for mobile application development
There has been a rapid growth in the development of mobile application resulting from its
wide usage for online transaction, data storage and exchange of information. However, an …
wide usage for online transaction, data storage and exchange of information. However, an …
Estimating influence of threat using Misuse Case Oriented Quality Requirements (MCOQR) metrics: Security requirements engineering perspective
Security is an aspect which contains varied classification and dimensions. One such
classification of security is software security and it's facet is metrics. Software security metrics …
classification of security is software security and it's facet is metrics. Software security metrics …
Security frameworks for machine-to-machine devices and networks
M Demblewski - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Attacks against mobile systems have escalated over the past decade. There have been
increases of fraud, platform attacks, and malware. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a new …
increases of fraud, platform attacks, and malware. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a new …
A review paper: Security requirement patterns for a secure software development
Security requirements are the major reasons for secure software developments. Many
methods, model and approaches have been designed by many researchers to ensure a …
methods, model and approaches have been designed by many researchers to ensure a …
[PDF][PDF] Eliciting Security Requirements of IoT Applications using Essential Use Case
Requirement elicitation is important to ensure correct requirements are elicit for application
development. Wrong elicitation decision leads to a software failure. The most common …
development. Wrong elicitation decision leads to a software failure. The most common …