[HTML][HTML] Designing an artificial intelligence tool to understand student engagement based on teacher's behaviours and movements in video conferencing

N Verma, S Getenet, C Dann, T Shaik - Computers and Education: Artificial …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Video conferencing is an effective tool that promotes interaction and collaboration,
increasing student engagement in online learning. This study is the second phase of design …

WIP: Implementing and Deploying Artificial Intelligence Solutions in Higher Education Institutions

P Vázquez-Villegas, MDP García-Chitiva… - 2024 IEEE Frontiers …, 2024‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This innovative practice WIP paper discusses the importance of deploying Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in Latin American Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It presents the …

[PDF][PDF] Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis.

H Bicen, R Bogdan, SI Petruc - ICAI Workshops, 2023‏ - ceur-ws.org
Today, artificial intelligence plays a very important role in every field. It is inevitable to say
that it will play a very effective role in higher education. This study is based on bibliometric …

Intelligent Interface: Enhancing Lecture Engagement with Didactic Activity Summaries

A Wróblewska, M Witas, K Frańczak, A Kniaź… - … in Methodologies and …, 2024‏ - Springer
Recently, multiple applications of machine learning have been introduced. They include
various possibilities arising when image analysis methods are applied to, broadly …

Multi-Class Heart Abnormalities Detection Based on ECG Graph Using Transfer Learning Method

S Hadiyoso, S Aulia, ID Irawati - Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, 2023‏ - jurnal.usk.ac.id
The heart is one of the vital organs in the circulatory system. Regular checkups are very
important to prevent heart disease. The most basic examination is blood pressure then …

Pelatihan Aplikasi Kecerdasan Buatan Dalam Pendidikan Bagi Dosen UMMAD

H Thamrin, Z Fatkhurrahman, ML Arsyad - Abdi Teknoyasa, 2024‏ - journals2.ums.ac.id
Penerapan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence, AI) dalam pendidikan telah membawa
perubahan signifikan dalam metode pembelajaran dan manajemen kelas. Paper ini …