Quantitative proteomics using SILAC: Principles, applications, and developments
X Chen, S Wei, Y Ji, X Guo, F Yang - proteomics, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
SILAC is based on direct addition of selected stable isotope amino acids into the cell culture
medium, allowing superior quantitative analysis of the cellular proteome compared to other …
medium, allowing superior quantitative analysis of the cellular proteome compared to other …
The SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid phosphoprotein forms mutually exclusive condensates with RNA and the membrane-associated M protein
The multifunctional nucleocapsid (N) protein in SARS-CoV-2 binds the~ 30 kb viral RNA
genome to aid its packaging into the 80–90 nm membrane-enveloped virion. The N protein …
genome to aid its packaging into the 80–90 nm membrane-enveloped virion. The N protein …
The cytosolic thiol peroxidase PRXIIB is an intracellular sensor for H2O2 that regulates plant immunity through a redox relay
G Bi, M Hu, L Fu, X Zhang, J Zuo, J Li, J Yang, JM Zhou - Nature Plants, 2022 - nature.com
Rapid production of H2O2 is a hallmark of plant responses to diverse pathogens and plays a
crucial role in signalling downstream of various receptors that perceive immunogenic …
crucial role in signalling downstream of various receptors that perceive immunogenic …
HSP70 chaperones RNA-free TDP-43 into anisotropic intranuclear liquid spherical shells
INTRODUCTION Aggregation of the RNA binding protein TDP-43 (TAR DNA-binding protein
43) is a common pathological hallmark shared by several age-related neurodegenerative …
43) is a common pathological hallmark shared by several age-related neurodegenerative …
A high-speed search engine pLink 2 with systematic evaluation for proteome-scale identification of cross-linked peptides
We describe pLink 2, a search engine with higher speed and reliability for proteome-scale
identification of cross-linked peptides. With a two-stage open search strategy facilitated by …
identification of cross-linked peptides. With a two-stage open search strategy facilitated by …
Comprehensive identification of peptides in tandem mass spectra using an efficient open search engine
We present a sequence-tag-based search engine, Open-pFind, to identify peptides in an
ultra-large search space that includes coeluting peptides, unexpected modifications and …
ultra-large search space that includes coeluting peptides, unexpected modifications and …
Glyco-Decipher enables glycan database-independent peptide matching and in-depth characterization of site-specific N-glycosylation
Z Fang, H Qin, J Mao, Z Wang, N Zhang… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
Glycopeptides with unusual glycans or poor peptide backbone fragmentation in tandem
mass spectrometry are unaccounted for in typical site-specific glycoproteomics analysis and …
mass spectrometry are unaccounted for in typical site-specific glycoproteomics analysis and …
Quantitative interactome analysis with chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry
Structural plasticity and dynamic protein–protein interactions are critical determinants of
protein function within living systems. Quantitative chemical cross-linking with mass …
protein function within living systems. Quantitative chemical cross-linking with mass …
pGlyco 2.0 enables precision N-glycoproteomics with comprehensive quality control and one-step mass spectrometry for intact glycopeptide identification
The precise and large-scale identification of intact glycopeptides is a critical step in
glycoproteomics. Owing to the complexity of glycosylation, the current overall throughput …
glycoproteomics. Owing to the complexity of glycosylation, the current overall throughput …
Chemical proteomics reveals new targets of cysteine sulfinic acid reductase
Cysteine sulfinic acid or S-sulfinylation is an oxidative post-translational modification
(OxiPTM) that is known to be involved in redox-dependent regulation of protein function but …
(OxiPTM) that is known to be involved in redox-dependent regulation of protein function but …