The biologically relevant coordination chemistry of iron and nitric oxide: electronic structure and reactivity
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that is involved in a wide range of
physiological and pathological events in biology. Metal coordination chemistry, especially …
physiological and pathological events in biology. Metal coordination chemistry, especially …
Chemomixoautotrophy and stress adaptation of anammox bacteria: A review
Anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacteria, which were first discovered nearly
three decades ago, are crucial for treating ammonium-containing wastewater. Studies have …
three decades ago, are crucial for treating ammonium-containing wastewater. Studies have …
The microbial nitrogen-cycling network
Nitrogen is an essential component of all living organisms and the main nutrient limiting life
on our planet. By far, the largest inventory of freely accessible nitrogen is atmospheric …
on our planet. By far, the largest inventory of freely accessible nitrogen is atmospheric …
Nitrification and beyond: metabolic versatility of ammonia oxidising archaea
CL Wright, LE Lehtovirta-Morley - The ISME Journal, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Ammonia oxidising archaea are among the most abundant living organisms on Earth and
key microbial players in the global nitrogen cycle. They carry out oxidation of ammonia to …
key microbial players in the global nitrogen cycle. They carry out oxidation of ammonia to …
Metagenomic analyses of microbial structure and metabolic pathway in solid-phase denitrification systems for advanced nitrogen removal of wastewater treatment …
Z Yang, Q Zhou, H Sun, L Jia, L Zhao, W Wu - Water Research, 2021 - Elsevier
The pilot-scale solid-phase denitrification systems supporting with poly (3-hydroxybutyrateco-
3-hydroxyvalerate)(PHBV) and PHBV-sawdust were constructed for advanced nitrogen …
3-hydroxyvalerate)(PHBV) and PHBV-sawdust were constructed for advanced nitrogen …
Challenges, solutions and prospects of mainstream anammox-based process for municipal wastewater treatment
Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) process has a promising application prospect for
the mainstream deammonification of municipal wastewater due to its high efficiency and low …
the mainstream deammonification of municipal wastewater due to its high efficiency and low …
Metabolic network analysis reveals microbial community interactions in anammox granules
Microbial communities mediating anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) represent one
of the most energy-efficient environmental biotechnologies for nitrogen removal from …
of the most energy-efficient environmental biotechnologies for nitrogen removal from …
Dosing with pyrite significantly increases anammox performance: its role in the electron transfer enhancement and the functions of the Fe-NS cycle
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) represents an energy-efficient process for
biological nitrogen removal from ammonium-rich wastewater. However, there are …
biological nitrogen removal from ammonium-rich wastewater. However, there are …
Coupling sulfur-based denitrification with anammox for effective and stable nitrogen removal: a review
Anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is an energy-efficient nitrogen removal process for
wastewater treatment. However, the unstable nitrite supply and residual nitrate in the …
wastewater treatment. However, the unstable nitrite supply and residual nitrate in the …
The Phylogeny, Biodiversity, and Ecology of the Chloroflexi in Activated Sludge
It is now clear that several of the filamentous bacteria in activated sludge wastewater
treatment plants globally, are members of the phylum Chloroflexi. They appear to be more …
treatment plants globally, are members of the phylum Chloroflexi. They appear to be more …