Multiscale architecture and superior high‐temperature performance of discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites
Discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites (DRTMCs), as one of the most
important metal matrix composites (MMCs), are expected to exhibit high strength, elastic …
important metal matrix composites (MMCs), are expected to exhibit high strength, elastic …
Two-step heat treatment for laser powder bed fusion of a nickel-based superalloy with simultaneously enhanced tensile strength and ductility
S Sun, Q Teng, Y **e, T Liu, R Ma, J Bai, C Cai… - Additive …, 2021 - Elsevier
Nickel-based superalloys show severe cracking tendency during laser powder bed fusion
(LPBF), which hinders their widespread applications in aerospace. A two-step heat …
(LPBF), which hinders their widespread applications in aerospace. A two-step heat …
Towards the work hardening and strain delocalization achieved via in-situ intragranular reinforcement in Al-CuO composite
Dense intragranular distribution of nanoscale reinforcements is highly desirable since it is
effective in reconciling the strength-ductility trade-off in Al matrix composites (AMCs). Herein …
effective in reconciling the strength-ductility trade-off in Al matrix composites (AMCs). Herein …
[HTML][HTML] Interface formation and bonding control in high-volume-fraction (TiC+ TiB2)/Al composites and their roles in enhancing properties
HY Yang, Z Wang, LY Chen, SL Shu, F Qiu… - Composites Part B …, 2021 - Elsevier
As interfaces play a more important role in high-volume-fraction ceramic/metal composites
because of containing more hetero-phase interfaces, it is a great challenge to control the …
because of containing more hetero-phase interfaces, it is a great challenge to control the …
[HTML][HTML] In-situ solid-state deformation-driven rapid reaction towards higher strength-ductility Al-CuO composites
D Mao, X Ma, Y **e, X Meng, N Wang, Z Zhang… - Composites Part A …, 2024 - Elsevier
The strength-ductility dilemma of metallic matrix composites is mainly attributed to the
mismatched phase/matrix interfaces, which induce stress concentration as dislocation piles …
mismatched phase/matrix interfaces, which induce stress concentration as dislocation piles …
Metallurgy and solidification microstructure control of fusion-based additive manufacturing fabricated metallic alloys: a review
The metal-based additive manufacturing (AM), also referred to as metal 3D printing, has
drawn particular interest because it enables direct creation, aided by computationally …
drawn particular interest because it enables direct creation, aided by computationally …
Hot isostatic pressing of a near α-Ti alloy: Temperature optimization, microstructural evolution and mechanical performance evaluation
Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) shows distinct advantages in the manufacture of difficult-to-
process materials into components with geometric complexity and high mechanical …
process materials into components with geometric complexity and high mechanical …
High-mass-proportion TiCp/Ti6Al4V titanium matrix composites prepared by directed energy deposition
Titanium matrix composites (TMC) have potential applications in the aerospace industry
because of their excellent performance. The comprehensive performance of TMC mainly …
because of their excellent performance. The comprehensive performance of TMC mainly …
[HTML][HTML] Synergistically enhanced strength and ductility of TiB/(TA15-Si) composites: a two-step HIP strategy
A novel two-step hot isostatic pressing strategy has been brought up to fabricate a kind of
TiB/(TA15-Si) composites. The densification process and the process of introducing TiB …
TiB/(TA15-Si) composites. The densification process and the process of introducing TiB …
Carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced magnesium matrix composites: The effect of CNT ratio on their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance
In this study, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of AZ61 and AZ91 magnesium
matrix composites reinforced with 01, 0.2, and 0.5 wt% carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were …
matrix composites reinforced with 01, 0.2, and 0.5 wt% carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were …