Why do we have so many different hydrological models? A review based on the case of Switzerland
Hydrology plays a central role in applied and fundamental environmental sciences, but it is
well known to suffer from an overwhelming diversity of models, particularly to simulate …
well known to suffer from an overwhelming diversity of models, particularly to simulate …
[HTML][HTML] Perspective impact on water environment and hydrological regime owing to climate change: A review
This study summarizes reviews on climate change's impact on the water environment and
hydrological regime. The results indicate a strong relationship between the climatological …
hydrological regime. The results indicate a strong relationship between the climatological …
Water resources availability in southern Europe at the basin scale in response to climate change scenarios
AJ Zapata-Sierra, L Zapata-Castillo… - Environmental Sciences …, 2022 - Springer
Background Climate and the hydrological cycle are closely linked; therefore, in the most
likely scenarios of climate change, the increase in temperature may influence the expected …
likely scenarios of climate change, the increase in temperature may influence the expected …
Importance of snowmelt contribution to seasonal runoff and summer low flows in Czechia
The streamflow seasonality in mountain catchments is often influenced by snow. However, a
shift from snowfall to rain is expected in the future. Consequently, a decrease in snow …
shift from snowfall to rain is expected in the future. Consequently, a decrease in snow …
Estimating surface runoff and groundwater recharge in an urban catchment using a water balance approach
Land-use changes often have significant impact on the water cycle, including changing
groundwater/surface-water interactions, modifying groundwater recharge zones, and …
groundwater/surface-water interactions, modifying groundwater recharge zones, and …
[HTML][HTML] River runoff in Switzerland in a changing climate–runoff regime changes and their time of emergence
R Muelchi, O Rössler, J Schwanbeck… - Hydrology and earth …, 2021 - hess.copernicus.org
Assessments of climate change impacts on runoff regimes are essential to climate change
adaptation and mitigation planning. Changing runoff regimes and thus changing seasonal …
adaptation and mitigation planning. Changing runoff regimes and thus changing seasonal …
Changes in rain-on-snow events in mountain catchments in the rain–snow transition zone
ABSTRACT A shift from snowfall to rain affecting snow storage is expected in future.
Consequently, changes in rain-on-snow (ROS) events may occur. We evaluated the …
Consequently, changes in rain-on-snow (ROS) events may occur. We evaluated the …
[HTML][HTML] Revealing the impacts of climate change on mountainous catchments through high-resolution modelling
Mountainous catchments cover a broad range of elevations and their response to a warming
climate is expected to vary significantly in space. Nevertheless, studies on climate change …
climate is expected to vary significantly in space. Nevertheless, studies on climate change …
Modelling glacier variation and its impact on water resource in the Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in Central Asia
Climate warming is expected to accelerate glacier retreat and shift hydrological regime,
which poses great threat to regional water resources in terms of amount, variability, and …
which poses great threat to regional water resources in terms of amount, variability, and …
Modeling of future changes in seasonal snowpack and impacts on summer low flows in alpine catchments
It is expected that an increasing proportion of the precipitation will fall as rain in alpine
catchments in the future. Consequently, snow storage is expected to decrease, which …
catchments in the future. Consequently, snow storage is expected to decrease, which …