Effect of thermal and non-thermal techniques for microbial safety in food powder: Recent advances
Food powders are appreciated worldwide, as it enables food to be preserved for an
extended period without significant loss of quality, even under the ambient storage …
extended period without significant loss of quality, even under the ambient storage …
Recent advances in radio frequency, pulsed light, and cold plasma technologies for food safety
It has been the heartbeat of researchers and food engineers to discover the appropriate and
effective technology for microbial control to ensure the safety of food. This is because …
effective technology for microbial control to ensure the safety of food. This is because …
[HTML][HTML] Recent development in low-moisture foods: Microbial safety and thermal process
Foodborne outbreaks and recalls of pathogen-contaminated low-moisture foods (LMFs,
foods with water activity at 25° C< 0.85) have led to numerous scientific studies on bacterial …
foods with water activity at 25° C< 0.85) have led to numerous scientific studies on bacterial …
Validation of process technologies for enhancing the safety of low‐moisture foods: A review
The outbreaks linked to foodborne illnesses in low‐moisture foods are frequently reported
due to the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella Spp. Bacillus …
due to the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella Spp. Bacillus …
Recent developments in radio frequency drying for food and agricultural products using a multi-stage strategy: A review
Y Mao, S Wang - Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Radio frequency (RF) drying is an emerging technology for food and agricultural products,
holding features of rapid, uniform, stable, and volumetric heating, high energy efficiency, and …
holding features of rapid, uniform, stable, and volumetric heating, high energy efficiency, and …
Advances in food processing through radio frequency technology: Applications in pest control, microbial and enzymatic inactivation
Foodborne illnesses occur due to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore,
decontaminating food is vital before marketing and circulation. Radio frequency (RF) heating …
decontaminating food is vital before marketing and circulation. Radio frequency (RF) heating …
[HTML][HTML] Radio frequency treatment of food: A review on pasteurization and disinfestation
Radio frequency (RF) is a novel technology with several food processing and preservation
applications. It is based on the volumetric heating generated from the product's dielectric …
applications. It is based on the volumetric heating generated from the product's dielectric …
A comprehensive review on recent developments of radio frequency treatment for pasteurizing agricultural products
L Zhang, R Lan, B Zhang, F Erdogdu… - Critical Reviews in Food …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Recent pathogen incidents have forced food industry to seek for alternative processes in
postharvest pasteurization of agricultural commodities. Radio frequency (RF) heating has …
postharvest pasteurization of agricultural commodities. Radio frequency (RF) heating has …
Thermal decontamination technologies for microorganisms and mycotoxins in low-moisture foods
The contamination risks of microorganisms and mycotoxins in low-moisture foods have
heightened public concern. Develo** novel decontamination technologies to improve the …
heightened public concern. Develo** novel decontamination technologies to improve the …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of water activity on the thermal inactivation kinetics of Salmonella in milk powders
Persistence of Salmonella in milk powders has caused several foodborne outbreaks. The
determination of proper pasteurization processing conditions requires an understanding of …
determination of proper pasteurization processing conditions requires an understanding of …