[PDF][PDF] FACTS controllers in power transmission and distribution

KR Padiyar - 2007 -
Modern power systems are highly complex and are expected to fulfill the growing demands
of power wherever required, with acceptable quality and costs. The economic and …

SSR mitigation with a new control of PV solar farm as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM)

RK Varma, R Salehi - IEEE Transactions on Sustainable …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a novel control of a large-scale PV solar farm as STATCOM, termed PV-
STATCOM, for alleviation of subsynchronous resonance (SSR) in a steam turbine driven …

Utilizing DFIG-based wind farms for dam** subsynchronous resonance in nearby turbine-generators

SO Faried, I Unal, D Rai… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper presents the potential use of supplemental control of doubly-fed induction
generator (DFIG)-based wind farms for dam** subsynchronous resonance (SSR) …

Application of STATCOM for dam** torsional oscillations in series compensated AC systems

KV Patil, J Senthil, J Jiang… - IEEE transactions on …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents the results of a study on the application of the recently developed
FACTS device, the static compensator (STATCOM), for the dam** of torsional oscillations …

Application of a thyristor controlled var compensator for dam** subsynchronous oscillations in power systems

AE Hammad, M El-Sadek - IEEE transactions on power …, 1984 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a new concept for controlling static VAr compensators (SVC) in power
systems. It allows thyristor controlled VAr compensators to effectively damp subsynchronous …

Flexible AC transmission systems: A status review

KR Padiyar, AM Kulkarni - Sadhana, 1997 - Springer
With the availability of high power semiconductor switches with turn-off capability, voltage
source converter based controllers for power transmission system applications have …

An SSSC-based hybrid series compensation scheme capable of dam** subsynchronous resonance

D Rai, SO Faried, G Ramakrishna… - IEEE transactions on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The recently proposed phase-imbalanced series capacitive compensation concept has
been shown to be effective in enhancing power system dynamics since it has the potential to …

Subsynchronous resonance mitigation using variable‐speed wind energy conversion systems

AE Leon, JM Mauricio… - … generation, transmission & …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
This work proposes a strategy to mitigate subsynchronous resonance (SSR) in synchronous
generators using variable‐speed wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) based on full …

Dam** of subsynchronous resonance using excitation controllers and static VAr compensations: A comparative study

L Wang, YY Hsu - IEEE transactions on energy conversion, 1988 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The results of a comparative study on the application of two countermeasures, ie the
excitation controller and the static VAr compensator (SVC), for dam** of subsynchronous …

Application of simultaneous active and reactive power modulation of superconducting magnetic energy storage unit to damp turbine-generator subsynchronous …

CJ Wu, YS Lee - IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 1993 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An active and reactive power (PQ) simultaneous control scheme, which is based on a
superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit, is designed to damp out the …