The dynamical regime of sensory cortex: stable dynamics around a single stimulus-tuned attractor account for patterns of noise variability
Correlated variability in cortical activity is ubiquitously quenched following stimulus onset, in
a stimulus-dependent manner. These modulations have been attributed to circuit dynamics …
a stimulus-dependent manner. These modulations have been attributed to circuit dynamics …
Pathway-, layer-and cell-type-specific thalamic input to mouse barrel cortex
Mouse primary somatosensory barrel cortex (wS1) processes whisker sensory information,
receiving input from two distinct thalamic nuclei. The first-order ventral posterior medial …
receiving input from two distinct thalamic nuclei. The first-order ventral posterior medial …
Representation of tactile scenes in the rodent barrel cortex
After half a century of research, the sensory features coded by neurons of the rodent barrel
cortex remain poorly understood. Still, views of the sensory representation of whisker …
cortex remain poorly understood. Still, views of the sensory representation of whisker …
Inhibitory control of correlated intrinsic variability in cortical networks
Cortical networks exhibit intrinsic dynamics that drive coordinated, large-scale fluctuations
across neuronal populations and create noise correlations that impact sensory coding. To …
across neuronal populations and create noise correlations that impact sensory coding. To …
The impact of structural heterogeneity on excitation-inhibition balance in cortical networks
Models of cortical dynamics often assume a homogeneous connectivity structure. However,
we show that heterogeneous input connectivity can prevent the dynamic balance between …
we show that heterogeneous input connectivity can prevent the dynamic balance between …
Modular architecture facilitates noise-driven control of synchrony in neuronal networks
High-level information processing in the mammalian cortex requires both segregated
processing in specialized circuits and integration across multiple circuits. One possible way …
processing in specialized circuits and integration across multiple circuits. One possible way …
Dissection of brain-wide resting-state and functional somatosensory circuits by fMRI with optogenetic silencing
To further advance functional MRI (fMRI)–based brain science, it is critical to dissect fMRI
activity at the circuit level. To achieve this goal, we combined brain-wide fMRI with neuronal …
activity at the circuit level. To achieve this goal, we combined brain-wide fMRI with neuronal …
In-vivo optogenetics and pharmacology in deep intracellular recordings
Single cell intracellular recordings in-vivo at deep brain structures are seldomly
accompanied by nearby optogenetics or drug application. The use of such tools is limited as …
accompanied by nearby optogenetics or drug application. The use of such tools is limited as …
Cortical output is gated by horizontally projecting neurons in the deep layers
Pyramidal tract neurons (PTs) represent the major output cell type of the mammalian
neocortex. Here, we report the origins of the PTs' ability to respond to a broad range of …
neocortex. Here, we report the origins of the PTs' ability to respond to a broad range of …
NDNF interneurons in layer 1 gain-modulate whole cortical columns according to an animal's behavioral state
Processing of sensory information in neural circuits is modulated by an animal's behavioral
state, but the underlying cellular mechanisms are not well understood. Focusing on the …
state, but the underlying cellular mechanisms are not well understood. Focusing on the …