Local variation and parallel evolution: morphological and genetic diversity across a species complex of neotropical crater lake cichlid fishes
The polychromatic and trophically polymorphic Midas cichlid fish species complex
(Amphilophus cf. citrinellus) is an excellent model system for studying the mechanisms of …
(Amphilophus cf. citrinellus) is an excellent model system for studying the mechanisms of …
Cichlid fishes as models of ecological diversification: patterns, mechanisms, and consequences
ED Burress - Hydrobiologia, 2015 - Springer
Cichlid fishes are hypothesized to encompass several independent adaptive radiations that
display increased diversification rates and impressive ecological heterogeneity. Here, I …
display increased diversification rates and impressive ecological heterogeneity. Here, I …
The evolution of pharyngognathy: a phylogenetic and functional appraisal of the pharyngeal jaw key innovation in labroid fishes and beyond
The perciform group Labroidei includes approximately 2600 species and comprises some of
the most diverse and successful lineages of teleost fishes. Composed of four major clades …
the most diverse and successful lineages of teleost fishes. Composed of four major clades …
Feeding ecology is the primary driver of beak shape diversification in waterfowl
AM Olsen - Functional Ecology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The diversity of beak shapes among birds is often assumed to be largely the result of
adaptations to different feeding behaviors and diets. However, this assumption has only …
adaptations to different feeding behaviors and diets. However, this assumption has only …
Testing for ancient adaptive radiations in Neotropical cichlid fishes
Most contemporary studies of adaptive radiation focus on relatively recent and
geographically restricted clades. It is less clear whether diversification of ancient clades …
geographically restricted clades. It is less clear whether diversification of ancient clades …
Bentho-pelagic divergence of cichlid feeding architecture was prodigious and consistent during multiple adaptive radiations within African rift-lakes
Background How particular changes in functional morphology can repeatedly promote
ecological diversification is an active area of evolutionary investigation. The African rift-lake …
ecological diversification is an active area of evolutionary investigation. The African rift-lake …
Suction feeding mechanics, performance, and diversity in fishes
Despite almost 50 years of research on the functional morphology and biomechanics of
suction feeding, no consensus has emerged on how to characterize suction-feeding …
suction feeding, no consensus has emerged on how to characterize suction-feeding …
Exploring the nature of ecological specialization in a coral reef fish community: morphology, diet and foraging microhabitat use
Patterns of ecological specialization offer invaluable information about ecosystems. Yet,
specialization is rarely quantified across several ecological niche axes and variables …
specialization is rarely quantified across several ecological niche axes and variables …
Selection for mechanical advantage underlies multiple cranial optima in new world leaf-nosed bats
Selection for divergent performance optima has been proposed as a central mechanism
underlying adaptive radiation. Uncovering multiple optima requires identifying forms …
underlying adaptive radiation. Uncovering multiple optima requires identifying forms …
Exon-based phylogenomics and the relationships of African cichlid fishes: tackling the challenges of reconstructing phylogenies with repeated rapid radiations
African cichlids (subfamily: Pseudocrenilabrinae) are among the most diverse vertebrates,
and their propensity for repeated rapid radiation has made them a celebrated model system …
and their propensity for repeated rapid radiation has made them a celebrated model system …