[หนังสือ][B] Reducing reoffending
F McNeill, B Whyte - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Reducing Reoffending provides a critical overview of social work and community justice in
Scotland, taking full account of recent developments. The book is divided into three …
Scotland, taking full account of recent developments. The book is divided into three …
Re-contextualizing pre-sentence reports: Risk and race
K Hannah-Moffat, P Maurutto - Punishment & Society, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
In the past two decades, Canadian policies governing the structure and content of
presentence reports (PSRs) have shifted to focus more directly on the systematic …
presentence reports (PSRs) have shifted to focus more directly on the systematic …
Assisting and advising the sentencing decision process: The pursuit of 'quality'in pre-sentence reports
Pre-sentence reports are an increasingly prevalent feature of the sentencing process. Yet,
although judges have been surveyed about their general views, we know relatively little …
although judges have been surveyed about their general views, we know relatively little …
[PDF][PDF] Sosyal İnceleme Raporları: Bir İnceleme ve Sentez.
Social inquiry reports (SIR), which include identity information, personal characteristics,
stories of individuals and families regarding the problem area they are experiencing, the …
stories of individuals and families regarding the problem area they are experiencing, the …
Pre-sentence reports and punishment: A quasi-experiment assessing the effects of risk-based pre-sentence reports on sentencing
S van Wingerden, J van Wilsem… - European Journal of …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
The current study investigates the effects of structured risk-based pre-sentence reports on
sentencing outcomes in the Netherlands by means of a quasi-natural experiment …
sentencing outcomes in the Netherlands by means of a quasi-natural experiment …
[หนังสือ][B] Assessment in youth justice
K Baker, G Kelly, B Wilkinson - 2011 - books.google.com
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of assessment
and intervention planning with young people who offend. It will help equip practitioners with …
and intervention planning with young people who offend. It will help equip practitioners with …
[หนังสือ][B] Sentencing and society: International perspectives
C Tata, N Hutton - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Combining the latest work of leading sentencing and punishment scholars from twelve
different countries, this major new international volume answers key questions in the study …
different countries, this major new international volume answers key questions in the study …
[หนังสือ][B] Crime control, politics and policy
P Benekos, A Merlo - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This book reviews concepts, information and points of view that help to explain the context
and constraints of the criminal justice system. The chapters summarize developments in …
and constraints of the criminal justice system. The chapters summarize developments in …
La necesidad de un informe social para la decisión y ejecución de las penas comunitarias.
E Larrauri Pijoan - 2012 - riuma.uma.es
El texto sugiere la necesidad de contar con un 'informe social'que aporte datos sobre la
persona, su entorno social y su actitud frente al delito, antes de que el juez imponga una …
persona, su entorno social y su actitud frente al delito, antes de que el juez imponga una …
Individualising justice: pre-sentence reports in the Irish criminal justice system
This section of the report covers the findings from the study. It begins with a descriptive
overview of the PSRs in the sample, including information on the length of the reports …
overview of the PSRs in the sample, including information on the length of the reports …