Adaptive fixed-time synchronization of Lorenz systems with application in chaotic finance systems
This paper concerns the problem of fixed-time synchronization of master–slave Lorenz
systems. The adaptive control and fixed-time control strategies are successfully integrated …
systems. The adaptive control and fixed-time control strategies are successfully integrated …
Neuro-computing solution for Lorenz differential equations through artificial neural networks integrated with PSO-NNA hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms: a comparative …
In this article, examine the performance of a physics informed neural networks (PINN)
intelligent approach for predicting the solution of non-linear Lorenz differential equations …
intelligent approach for predicting the solution of non-linear Lorenz differential equations …
Adaptive fixed-time control for Lorenz systems
This paper focuses on the problem of fixed-time chaos suppression and stabilization of a
class of Lorenz systems with uncertain parameters. Based on the fixed-time stability theory …
class of Lorenz systems with uncertain parameters. Based on the fixed-time stability theory …
[HTML][HTML] Coexisting attractor in a gyrostat chaotic system via basin of attraction and synchronization of two nonidentical mechanical systems
This paper is divided into two main portions. First, we look at basins of attraction as a tool
with a unique set of characteristics for discussing multistability and coexisting attractors in a …
with a unique set of characteristics for discussing multistability and coexisting attractors in a …
[PDF][PDF] Muhammad Naeem Aslam, Muhammad Waheed Aslam 4, Muhammad Sarmad Arshad 5
In this article, examine the performance of a physics informed neural networks (PINN)
intelligent approach for predicting the solution of non‑linear Lorenz differential equations …
intelligent approach for predicting the solution of non‑linear Lorenz differential equations …
Suppression of chaos in the spin-orbit problem of Enceladus via robust adaptive sliding mode control
This paper proposes a new robust adaptive sliding mode control (RASMC) technique and
investigates the control of chaos in the two-dimensional uncertain spin-orbit problem of …
investigates the control of chaos in the two-dimensional uncertain spin-orbit problem of …
Lorenz Kaotik Sisteminin Doğrusal Geri Beslemeli, Yüksek Kazanç, Yüksek Frekans ve Model Öngörülü Kontrol ile Denetlenmesi
Günümüze kadar gelişen ve geliştirilmeye devam edilen, doğrusal veya doğrusal olmayan,
zamanla değişen veya zamanla değişmeyen sistemler için birçok kontrol yöntemleri …
zamanla değişen veya zamanla değişmeyen sistemler için birçok kontrol yöntemleri …
[PDF][PDF] Lorenz Kaotik Sisteminin Doğrusal Geri Beslemeli, Yüksek Kazanç, Yüksek Frekans ve Model Öngörülü Kontrol ile Denetlenmesi
F Boz -
Öz Günümüze kadar gelişen ve geliştirilmeye devam edilen, doğrusal veya doğrusal
olmayan, zamanla değişen veya zamanla değişmeyen sistemler için birçok kontrol …
olmayan, zamanla değişen veya zamanla değişmeyen sistemler için birçok kontrol …