Recent experimental progress in nuclear halo structure studies
Recent developments (since the last review in J. of Physics G by I. Tanihata in 1996 [1]) at
RIB facilities opened possibilities of detailed studies of halo nuclei. New facilities have been …
RIB facilities opened possibilities of detailed studies of halo nuclei. New facilities have been …
Light dripline nuclei
Experimental studies of light dripline nuclei are reviewed. Progress in the production of very
short lived nuclei and the development of radioactive nuclear beams has given this field the …
short lived nuclei and the development of radioactive nuclear beams has given this field the …
Energy levels of light nuclei A= 8, 9, 10
A review of the evidence on the properties of the nuclei A= 8, 9 and 10, with emphasis on
material leading to information about the structure of the A= 8, 9, 10 systems.
material leading to information about the structure of the A= 8, 9, 10 systems.
The unbound isotopes 9, 10He
HT Johansson, Y Aksyutina, T Aumann, K Boretzky… - Nuclear Physics A, 2010 - Elsevier
The unbound nuclei 9He and 10He have been produced in proton-knockout reactions from
a 280 MeV/u 11Li beam im**ing on a liquid hydrogen target at the ALADIN-LAND setup at …
a 280 MeV/u 11Li beam im**ing on a liquid hydrogen target at the ALADIN-LAND setup at …
Nuclear structure experiments along the neutron drip line
Invariant mass measurements and breakup reactions of neutron-rich nuclei have been
instrumental in the study of nuclear structure effects at the limit of nuclear existence. The …
instrumental in the study of nuclear structure effects at the limit of nuclear existence. The …
Studies of light exotic nuclei in the vicinity of neutron and proton drip lines at FLNR JINR
Defining the limits of the existence of the nuclear structure is one of fundamental problems of
natural science, requiring the advancement of studies towards the sites of maximum neutron …
natural science, requiring the advancement of studies towards the sites of maximum neutron …
Structure of exotic light nuclei: Z= 2, 3, 4
HT Fortune - The European Physical Journal A, 2018 - Springer
I examine the history and current state of knowledge of the structure of so-called “exotic” light
nuclei with Z= 2-4, from 7 He to 16 Be. I review the available experimental information and …
nuclei with Z= 2-4, from 7 He to 16 Be. I review the available experimental information and …
Structure of unbound neutron-rich He studied using single-neutron transfer
T Al Kalanee, J Gibelin, P Roussel-Chomaz… - Physical Review C …, 2013 - APS
The 8 He (d, p) reaction was studied in inverse kinematics at 15.4 A MeV using the MUST2
Si-CsI array in order to shed light on the level structure of 9 He. The well known 16 O (d, p) …
Si-CsI array in order to shed light on the level structure of 9 He. The well known 16 O (d, p) …
Ab initio calculations of nuclear widths via an integral relation
I describe the computation of energy widths of nuclear states using an integral over the
interaction region of ab initio variational Monte Carlo wave functions, and I present …
interaction region of ab initio variational Monte Carlo wave functions, and I present …
Analog States of Observed via the Reaction
Isobaric analog states of He 7 have been investigated by a novel technique involving the
observation of the resonant yield of neutrons from the He 6 (p, n) reaction in coincidence …
observation of the resonant yield of neutrons from the He 6 (p, n) reaction in coincidence …