Anyons in quantum Hall interferometry
The quantum Hall (QH) effect represents a unique playground where quantum coherence of
electrons can be exploited for various applications, from metrology to quantum computation …
electrons can be exploited for various applications, from metrology to quantum computation …
Non-Abelian gauge field in optics
Non-Abelian optics has emerged as a promising research field with the potential to
revolutionize our understanding of light–matter interactions and enable new applications in …
revolutionize our understanding of light–matter interactions and enable new applications in …
Fabry-Pérot Interferometry at the Fractional Quantum Hall State
Electronic Fabry-Pérot interferometry is a powerful method to probe quasiparticle charge
and anyonic braiding statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime. We extend this …
and anyonic braiding statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime. We extend this …
Aharonov–Bohm interference and statistical phase-jump evolution in fractional quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene
In the fractional quantum Hall effect, quasiparticles are collective excitations that have a
fractional charge and show fractional statistics as they interchange positions. While the …
fractional charge and show fractional statistics as they interchange positions. While the …
Evidence for chiral supercurrent in quantum Hall Josephson junctions
Hybridizing superconductivity with the quantum Hall (QH) effect has notable potential for
designing circuits capable of inducing and manipulating non-Abelian states for topological …
designing circuits capable of inducing and manipulating non-Abelian states for topological …
A tunable Fabry–Pérot quantum Hall interferometer in graphene
Electron interferometry with quantum Hall (QH) edge channels in semiconductor
heterostructures can probe and harness the exchange statistics of anyonic excitations …
heterostructures can probe and harness the exchange statistics of anyonic excitations …
Universal chiral Luttinger liquid behavior in a graphene fractional quantum Hall point contact
One-dimensional conductors are described by Luttinger liquid theory, which predicts a
power-law suppression of the single-electron tunneling density of states at low voltages. The …
power-law suppression of the single-electron tunneling density of states at low voltages. The …
Phase-coherent charge transport through a porphyrin nanoribbon
Since the early days of quantum mechanics, it has been known that electrons behave
simultaneously as particles and waves, and now quantum electronic devices can harness …
simultaneously as particles and waves, and now quantum electronic devices can harness …
Anyon braiding and telegraph noise in a graphene interferometer
The search for anyons, quasiparticles with fractional charge and exotic exchange statistics,
has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Quantum Hall interferometers enable …
has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Quantum Hall interferometers enable …
Strongly coupled edge states in a graphene quantum Hall interferometer
Electronic interferometers using the chiral, one-dimensional (1D) edge channels of the
quantum Hall effect (QHE) can demonstrate a wealth of fundamental phenomena. The …
quantum Hall effect (QHE) can demonstrate a wealth of fundamental phenomena. The …