A framework for the study of persuasion

JN Druckman - Annual Review of Political Science, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Persuasion is a vital part of politics—who wins elections and policy disputes often depends
on which side can persuade more people. Given this centrality, the study of persuasion has …

A research agenda for climate change communication and public opinion: The role of scientific consensus messaging and beyond

R Bayes, T Bolsen, JN Druckman - Environmental Communication, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
That climate change has been accelerated by human activity is supported by a near-
universal consensus of climate scientists. In this paper, we review many of the studies that …

“Don't tell me what to do”: Resistance to climate change messages suggesting behavior changes

R Palm, T Bolsen, JT Kingsland - Weather, Climate, and …, 2020 - journals.ametsoc.org
This study evaluates the impact of exposure to messages that emphasize the need for
changes in individual behavior or in public policy to address climate change attributed to a …

Trust in climate science and climate scientists: A narrative review

V Cologna, J Kotcher, NG Mede, J Besley… - PLOS …, 2024 - journals.plos.org
Trust in climate science provides the foundation for evidence-based policymaking on climate
change mitigation and adaptation and public perceptions of the urgency of climate change …

Disenrolled: retrenchment and voting in health policy

J Haselswerdt, J Michener - … of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 2019 - read.dukeupress.edu
Context: Recent studies have shown that changes in public health insurance policy have the
potential to affect political participation. In particular, aggregate-level analyses suggest that …

The Gateway Belief Model: A pre-registered large-scale replication in China

ZX Zeng, JW van Prooijen, YY Guo… - Journal of Environmental …, 2025 - Elsevier
Climate change is a global problem that needs to be addressed, but public support for action
remains a challenge. According to the Gateway Belief Model (GBM), emphasizing the …

[PDF][PDF] Experiments on problems of climate change

MC McGrath - Advances in experimental political science, 2021 - sites.northwestern.edu
Climate change presents a dire political problem. If we are unable to check carbon
emissions, increasing temperatures could produce devastating effects around the globe …

Code red for humanity or time for broad collective action? Exploring the role of positive and negative messaging in (de) motivating climate action

M Martel-Morin, E Lachapelle - Frontiers in Communication, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Despite decades of warning from climate scientists, the international community has largely
failed at reining in planet-warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this context …

If we build it, only some will come: An experimental study of mobilization for Seattle's democracy voucher program

G Henderson, H Han - Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2022 - cambridge.org
Seattle, Washington instituted a new “democracy voucher” program in 2017 providing each
registered voter with four $25 campaign finance vouchers to contribute to municipal …

Health Professionals as Advocates for Climate and Health Solutions: the Influence of Social Norms on Health Professional Engagement in and Public Support for …

E Campbell - 2023 - search.proquest.com
To address climate change, climate-friendly actions and policies must be implemented. As
highly trusted sources of information about climate change and health, health professionals …