A framework for the study of persuasion
JN Druckman - Annual Review of Political Science, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Persuasion is a vital part of politics—who wins elections and policy disputes often depends
on which side can persuade more people. Given this centrality, the study of persuasion has …
on which side can persuade more people. Given this centrality, the study of persuasion has …
A research agenda for climate change communication and public opinion: The role of scientific consensus messaging and beyond
That climate change has been accelerated by human activity is supported by a near-
universal consensus of climate scientists. In this paper, we review many of the studies that …
universal consensus of climate scientists. In this paper, we review many of the studies that …
“Don't tell me what to do”: Resistance to climate change messages suggesting behavior changes
This study evaluates the impact of exposure to messages that emphasize the need for
changes in individual behavior or in public policy to address climate change attributed to a …
changes in individual behavior or in public policy to address climate change attributed to a …
Trust in climate science and climate scientists: A narrative review
Trust in climate science provides the foundation for evidence-based policymaking on climate
change mitigation and adaptation and public perceptions of the urgency of climate change …
change mitigation and adaptation and public perceptions of the urgency of climate change …
Disenrolled: retrenchment and voting in health policy
Context: Recent studies have shown that changes in public health insurance policy have the
potential to affect political participation. In particular, aggregate-level analyses suggest that …
potential to affect political participation. In particular, aggregate-level analyses suggest that …
The Gateway Belief Model: A pre-registered large-scale replication in China
Climate change is a global problem that needs to be addressed, but public support for action
remains a challenge. According to the Gateway Belief Model (GBM), emphasizing the …
remains a challenge. According to the Gateway Belief Model (GBM), emphasizing the …
[PDF][PDF] Experiments on problems of climate change
MC McGrath - Advances in experimental political science, 2021 - sites.northwestern.edu
Climate change presents a dire political problem. If we are unable to check carbon
emissions, increasing temperatures could produce devastating effects around the globe …
emissions, increasing temperatures could produce devastating effects around the globe …
Code red for humanity or time for broad collective action? Exploring the role of positive and negative messaging in (de) motivating climate action
Despite decades of warning from climate scientists, the international community has largely
failed at reining in planet-warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this context …
failed at reining in planet-warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this context …
If we build it, only some will come: An experimental study of mobilization for Seattle's democracy voucher program
Seattle, Washington instituted a new “democracy voucher” program in 2017 providing each
registered voter with four $25 campaign finance vouchers to contribute to municipal …
registered voter with four $25 campaign finance vouchers to contribute to municipal …
Health Professionals as Advocates for Climate and Health Solutions: the Influence of Social Norms on Health Professional Engagement in and Public Support for …
E Campbell - 2023 - search.proquest.com
To address climate change, climate-friendly actions and policies must be implemented. As
highly trusted sources of information about climate change and health, health professionals …
highly trusted sources of information about climate change and health, health professionals …