[HTML][HTML] Influential factors in anaerobic digestion of rice-derived food waste and animal manure: A comprehensive review
Utilization of organic community wastes towards deriving sustainable renewable energy and
adequate disposal of the residual has been an important topic of investigation. Anaerobic …
adequate disposal of the residual has been an important topic of investigation. Anaerobic …
[HTML][HTML] Characterization of slaughterhouse wastewater and development of treatment techniques: a review
Commercialization in the meat-processing industry has emerged as one of the major
agrobusiness challenges due to the large volume of wastewater produced during …
agrobusiness challenges due to the large volume of wastewater produced during …
An integration of algae-mediated wastewater treatment and resource recovery through anaerobic digestion
Eutrophication is one of the major emerging challenges in aquatic environment. Industrial
facilities, including food, textile, leather, and paper, generate a significant amount of …
facilities, including food, textile, leather, and paper, generate a significant amount of …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive comparison between two strategies to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates from domestic sewage sludge
Biopolimer materials, such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), are essential to restrain the
use of petroleum-based plastic material fostered by European Union regulation. Despite the …
use of petroleum-based plastic material fostered by European Union regulation. Despite the …
Recycling slaughterhouse wastes into potential energy and hydrogen sources: An approach for the future sustainable energy
Slaughterhouse/abattoir waste dum** has always been a key environmental task globally.
Alongside, a huge amount of cost is associated with this dum** process. Slaughterhouse …
Alongside, a huge amount of cost is associated with this dum** process. Slaughterhouse …
Improving biogas production with application of trimetallic nanoparticle using response surface methods
The potential of trimetallic nanoparticles (TMNPs) to enhance biogas production through
microbe-to-microbe interactions and boost biogas yield is evident. This present study …
microbe-to-microbe interactions and boost biogas yield is evident. This present study …
A review on upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor: Factors affecting performance, modification of configuration and its derivatives
S Mariraj Mohan, T Swathi - Water environment research, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor can be considered as one of the
promising anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies suitable for the treatment of high …
promising anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies suitable for the treatment of high …
Evaluation of pilot scale moving bed biofilm reactor and strip** process for sulfate reduction from real high-sulfate waste activated sludge: Effect of HRT and return …
Finding an appropriate strategy to enhance the methane content of biogas and reduce the
level of produced H 2 S simultaneously from waste activated sludge (WAS) are of …
level of produced H 2 S simultaneously from waste activated sludge (WAS) are of …
Biogas production by integrating lava rock, red clay & ceramic bio ring as support carrier in treatment of landfill leachate with liquidised food waste
To evaluate the feasibility of co-digestion of landfill leachate and liquidised food waste,
batch experiments were conducted to explore the optimal mixing ratio and support carrier …
batch experiments were conducted to explore the optimal mixing ratio and support carrier …
Performance and cost-benefit analysis of anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor for pretreatment of textile wastewater
Performance of an anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (AnMBBR) was evaluated for
pretreatment of real textile desizing wastewater at organic loading rate (OLR) of 1±0.05 to …
pretreatment of real textile desizing wastewater at organic loading rate (OLR) of 1±0.05 to …