Snarky signatures: Minimal signatures of knowledge from simulation-extractable SNARKs

J Groth, M Maller - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 2017 - Springer
We construct a pairing based simulation-extractable SNARK (SE-SNARK) that consists of
only 3 group elements and has highly efficient verification. By formally linking SE-SNARKs to …

Anonymous attestation using the strong diffie hellman assumption revisited

J Camenisch, M Drijvers, A Lehmann - … August 29-30, 2016, Proceedings 9, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a cryptographic protocol for privacy-
protecting authentication. It is standardized in the TPM standard and implemented in millions …

Secure multiparty computation from SGX

R Bahmani, M Barbosa, F Brasser, B Portela… - … Conference on Financial …, 2017 - Springer
In this paper we show how Isolated Execution Environments (IEE) offered by novel
commodity hardware such as Intel's SGX provide a new path to constructing general secure …

Get shorty via group signatures without encryption

P Bichsel, J Camenisch, G Neven, NP Smart… - … and Cryptography for …, 2010 - Springer
Group signatures allow group members to anonymously sign messages in the name of a
group such that only a dedicated opening authority can reveal the exact signer behind a …

Enhanced privacy ID from bilinear pairing for hardware authentication and attestation

E Brickell, J Li - … Journal of Information Privacy, Security and …, 2011 -
Enhanced privacy ID (EPID) is a cryptographic scheme that enables the remote
authentication and attestation of a hardware device while preserving the privacy of the …

Flexible and scalable digital signatures in TPM 2.0

L Chen, J Li - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on …, 2013 -
Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) are multipurpose hardware chips, which provide support for
various cryptographic functions. Flexibility, scalability and high performance are critical …

Universally composable direct anonymous attestation

J Camenisch, M Drijvers, A Lehmann - … on Practice and Theory in Public …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is one of the most complex cryptographic
algorithms that has been deployed in practice. In spite of this and the long body of work on …

Foundations of hardware-based attested computation and application to SGX

M Barbosa, B Portela, G Scerri… - 2016 IEEE European …, 2016 -
Exciting new capabilities of modern trusted hardware technologies allow for the execution of
arbitrary code within environments completely isolated from the rest of the system and …

On the design and implementation of an efficient DAA scheme

L Chen, D Page, NP Smart - … Conference on Smart Card Research and …, 2010 - Springer
Abstract Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is an anonymous digital signature scheme that
aims to provide both signer authentication and privacy. One of the properties that makes …

Simplified security notions of direct anonymous attestation and a concrete scheme from pairings

E Brickell, L Chen, J Li - International journal of information security, 2009 - Springer
Abstract Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a cryptographic mechanism that enables
remote authentication of a user while preserving privacy under the user's control. The DAA …