Differential sensors using microstrip lines loaded with two split-ring resonators

A Ebrahimi, J Scott, K Ghorbani - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a microwave sensor using a pair of split-ring resonators (SRRs). The
sensor is designed by loading a microstrip transmission line by two identical SRRs on its …

Noncontact and nonintrusive microwave-microfluidic flow sensor for energy and biomedical engineering

MH Zarifi, H Sadabadi, SH Hejazi, M Daneshmand… - Scientific reports, 2018 - nature.com
A novel flow sensor is presented to measure the flow rate within microchannels in a real-
time, noncontact and nonintrusive manner. The microfluidic device is made of a fluidic …

Microwave sensor for detection of solid material permittivity in single/multilayer samples with high quality factor

S Kiani, P Rezaei, M Navaei… - IEEE Sensors …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a planar microstrip sensor based on a band-stop filter for determining relative
permittivity of solid materials is presented. The proposed sensor has been composed of the …

Enhanced accuracy and high sensitivity in dielectric characterization through a compact and miniaturized metamaterial inspired microwave sensor

KK Singh, AK Singh, SK Mahto, R Sinha… - Sensors and Actuators A …, 2024 - Elsevier
This academic paper introduces a novel sensor known as the Planar Microstrip-based Triple
Ring Bridge Complementary Split Ring Resonator (TRB-CSRR) sensor. The main objective …

Dynamically tunable planar microwave resonator sensor using liquid metal alloy

MA Rafi, F Niknahad, BD Wiltshire… - IEEE Transactions …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Microwave resonant sensors are limited in their current form to a static resonant frequency,
which can lead to misidentification when two materials or mixtures with similar dielectric …

Characterization of dielectric substrates using dual band microwave sensor

A Armghan, TM Alanazi, A Altaf, T Haq - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this work, a compact, inexpensive, and efficient dual band microwave sensor is proposed.
The sensor is based on two Complementary Symmetric Split-Ring Resonators (CSSRRs) …

A high-sensitivity microfluidic sensor based on a substrate integrated waveguide re-entrant cavity for complex permittivity measurement of liquids

Z Wei, J Huang, J Li, G Xu, Z Ju, X Liu, X Ni - Sensors, 2018 - mdpi.com
In this study, a novel non-invasive and contactless microwave sensor using a square
substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) re-entrant cavity is proposed for complex permittivity …

Flexible, robust, and high-performance gas sensors based on lignocellulosic nanofibrils

NR Tanguy, KK Kazemi, J Hong, KC Cheung… - Carbohydrate …, 2022 - Elsevier
Gas detection in flexible electronics demands novel materials with superior sensing
performance that have high mechanically strength, are flexible, low-cost, and sustainable …

Microwave sensors loaded with metamaterial-inspired resonators for dielectric material characterization: A review

MS Sim, KY You, R Dewan, F Esa, MR Salim… - Sensors and Actuators A …, 2024 - Elsevier
The superior performance of metamaterial-inspired sensors has enabled their application in
various material characterization tasks, such as dielectric constant measurement …

New radio-frequency liquid permittivity measurement system using filter-based microfluidic sensor

TK Nguyen, CH Tseng - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A new radio-frequency (RF) liquid permittivity measurement system using a filter-based
microfluidic sensor is proposed in this article. Integrating the filter-based sensor with an RF …