An ant colony optimization approach for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a challenging problem.
Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on …
Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on …
An ant colony optimization based routing algorithm for extending network lifetime in wireless sensor networks
A Mohajerani, D Gharavian - Wireless Networks, 2016 - Springer
Reducing the energy consumption of network nodes is one of the most important problems
for routing in wireless sensor networks because of the battery limitation in each sensor. This …
for routing in wireless sensor networks because of the battery limitation in each sensor. This …
[PDF][PDF] A genetic algorithm inspired routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
The key parameters that need to be addressed while designing protocols for sensor
networks are its energy awareness and computational feasibility in resource constrained …
networks are its energy awareness and computational feasibility in resource constrained …
Experimental study on designing smart antenna sensor networks and modelling management energy consumption for intelligent systems of internet of medical things
ABSTRACT The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is revolutionizing healthcare through
technologies like artificial intelligence, data analysis, and remote monitoring. However …
technologies like artificial intelligence, data analysis, and remote monitoring. However …
Prolonging network lifetime using ant colony optimization algorithm on LEACH protocol for wireless sensor networks
This paper presents a fair comparison of Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH)
and ant colony applied on LEACH on the basis of the death of first node in the wireless …
and ant colony applied on LEACH on the basis of the death of first node in the wireless …
[PDF][PDF] Wireless sensor network: A bibliographical survey
H Jamal Abdul Nasir… - Indian Journal of Science …, 2016 - repo.uum.edu.my
Objectives: To provide more organized literature on wireless sensor network. Method: In this
paper, the bibliographical survey has been conducted on the types of wireless sensor …
paper, the bibliographical survey has been conducted on the types of wireless sensor …
Genetic algorithms applied in routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
I Apetroaei, IA Oprea, BE Proca… - … conference 10th edition …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Wireless sensors have the capacity to gather information like temperature, sound, motion or
pollutants, being distribute in an environment that has to be monitored and controlled for …
pollutants, being distribute in an environment that has to be monitored and controlled for …
Differential evolution for lifetime maximization of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
Y Xu, J Fang, W Zhu, W Cui - Mathematical Problems in …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a hot and significant issue.
However, using differential evolution (DE) to research this problem has not appeared so far …
However, using differential evolution (DE) to research this problem has not appeared so far …
[PDF][PDF] An energy efficient scheme for data gathering in wireless sensor networks using particle swarm optimization
Energy Efficiency of sensor nodes is a sizzling issue, given the severe resource constraints
of sensor nodes and pervasive nature of sensor networks. The base station being located at …
of sensor nodes and pervasive nature of sensor networks. The base station being located at …
[PDF][PDF] Energy efficient routing in wireless sensor networks: A genetic approach
The key parameters that need to be addressed while designing protocols for sensor
networks are its energy awareness and computational feasibility in resource constrained …
networks are its energy awareness and computational feasibility in resource constrained …