[HTML][HTML] An expanded arsenal of immune systems that protect bacteria from phages
Bacterial anti-phage systems are frequently clustered in microbial genomes, forming
defense islands. This property enabled the recent discovery of multiple defense systems …
defense islands. This property enabled the recent discovery of multiple defense systems …
Swimming with magnets: from biological organisms to synthetic devices
The movement of microorganisms is not only an essential aspect of life, it also serves as a
fruitful model for the development of synthetic microswimmers or microrobots with potential …
fruitful model for the development of synthetic microswimmers or microrobots with potential …
A map of spatial navigation for neuroscience
Spatial navigation has received much attention from neuroscientists, leading to the
identification of key brain areas and the discovery of numerous spatially selective cells …
identification of key brain areas and the discovery of numerous spatially selective cells …
[HTML][HTML] Sensing magnetic directions in birds: radical pair processes involving cryptochrome
R Wiltschko, W Wiltschko - Biosensors, 2014 - mdpi.com
Birds can use the geomagnetic field for compass orientation. Behavioral experiments, mostly
with migrating passerines, revealed three characteristics of the avian magnetic compass:(1) …
with migrating passerines, revealed three characteristics of the avian magnetic compass:(1) …
Magnetoreception in microorganisms
Magnetoreception is the sense whereby organisms geolocate and navigate in response to
the Earth's magnetic field lines. For decades, magnetotactic bacteria have been the only …
the Earth's magnetic field lines. For decades, magnetotactic bacteria have been the only …
Cryptochrome 1 in retinal cone photoreceptors suggests a novel functional role in mammals
Cryptochromes are a ubiquitous group of blue-light absorbing flavoproteins that in the
mammalian retina have an important role in the circadian clock. In birds, cryptochrome 1a …
mammalian retina have an important role in the circadian clock. In birds, cryptochrome 1a …
Alone, in the dark: The extraordinary neuroethology of the solitary blind mole rat
On the social scale, the blind mole rat (BMR; Spalax ehrenbergi) is an extreme. It is
exceedingly solitary, territorial, and aggressive. BMRs reside underground, in self-excavated …
exceedingly solitary, territorial, and aggressive. BMRs reside underground, in self-excavated …
Rules of thumb, from Holocene to Anthropocene
This article reviews how simple heuristics–'rules of thumb'–have guided human adaptation
and the evolution of complex cultures. First, we argue that rules of thumb have been …
and the evolution of complex cultures. First, we argue that rules of thumb have been …
Molecular dynamics simulations disclose early stages of the photo-activation of cryptochrome 4
Birds appear to be equipped with a light-dependent, radical-pair-based magnetic compass
that relies on truly quantum processes. While the identity of the sensory protein has …
that relies on truly quantum processes. While the identity of the sensory protein has …
Over 50 years of behavioural evidence on the magnetic sense in animals: what has been learnt and how?
Magnetoreception is a key element in the sensory repertoire of many organisms, and it has
been shown to play a particular role in animal navigation. While the first data to demonstrate …
been shown to play a particular role in animal navigation. While the first data to demonstrate …