Engineering aspects of the design, construction and performance of modular redox flow batteries for energy storage
Despite many studies and several extensive reviews of redox flow batteries (RFBs) over the
last three decades, information on engineering aspects is scarce, which hinders progress …
last three decades, information on engineering aspects is scarce, which hinders progress …
Critical review—the versatile plane parallel electrode geometry: an illustrated review
The features of the plane parallel geometry are reviewed since this cell geometry occupies a
prominent position, both in the laboratory and in industry. The simple parallel plate can be …
prominent position, both in the laboratory and in industry. The simple parallel plate can be …
The reaction environment in a filter-press laboratory reactor: the FM01-LC flow cell
FF Rivera, CP de León, FC Walsh, JL Nava - Electrochimica Acta, 2015 - Elsevier
A parallel plate cell facilitating controlled flow in a rectangular channel and capable of
incorporating a wide range of electrode materials is important in studies of electrode …
incorporating a wide range of electrode materials is important in studies of electrode …
Analysis of mixing efficiency in a stirred reactor using computational fluid dynamics
A Ramírez-López - Symmetry, 2024 - mdpi.com
Lead recycling is very important for reducing environmental pollution risks and damages.
Liquid lead is recovered from exhaust batteries inside stirred batch reactors; the process …
Liquid lead is recovered from exhaust batteries inside stirred batch reactors; the process …
Design of a new FM01-LC reactor in parallel plate configuration using numerical simulation and experimental validation with residence time distribution (RTD)
MR Cruz-Díaz, EP Rivero, FJ Almazán-Ruiz… - … and Processing: Process …, 2014 - Elsevier
The goal of this work was to develop new geometry design of inlet and outlet distributors of
the FM01-LC in parallel plate configuration using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The …
the FM01-LC in parallel plate configuration using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The …
Study of Hydrodynamics at AsahiTM prototype electrochemical flow reactor, using computational fluid dynamics and experimental characterization techniques
Fluid pattern inside of flow electrochemical reactors is strongly affected by geometric inlets
design and the use of net-like spacers (or turbulence promoters). In this report a comparison …
design and the use of net-like spacers (or turbulence promoters). In this report a comparison …
Simulations of single-phase flow in an up-flow electrochemical reactor with parallel plate electrodes in a serpentine array
LF Castañeda, JL Nava - Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper deals with hydrodynamics simulations in an up-flow pre-pilot electrochemical
reactor with a stack containing eight cells in a serpentine array. Each cell contains horizontal …
reactor with a stack containing eight cells in a serpentine array. Each cell contains horizontal …
Analysis of inlet and gap effect in hydrodynamics and mass transport performance of a multipurpose electrochemical reactor: CFD simulation and experimental …
This work deals with the reaction environment analysis (hydrodynamic and mass transport
characterization) inside the flow channel of a parallel plate electrolyzer. Different electrode …
characterization) inside the flow channel of a parallel plate electrolyzer. Different electrode …
Phenomenological behavior coupling hydrodynamics and electrode kinetics in a flow electrochemical reactor. Numerical analysis and experimental validation
FF Rivera, PE Hidalgo, F Castañeda-Záldivar… - Chemical Engineering …, 2019 - Elsevier
Parallel plate electrochemical reactors are frequently used in industry because its high
range of applications in several electrochemical processes related with electrosynthesis …
range of applications in several electrochemical processes related with electrosynthesis …
Analysis and validation of the hydrodynamics of an electrodialysis cell using computational fluid dynamics
Due to the shortage of drinking water and the deterioration in its quality several processes
have been developed to remove the ions and impurities contained. A technology used for …
have been developed to remove the ions and impurities contained. A technology used for …