Nutrient dependent cross-kingdom interactions: fungi and bacteria from an oligotrophic desert oasis

P Velez, L Espinosa-Asuar, M Figueroa… - Frontiers in …, 2018 -
Microbial interactions play a key role in ecosystem functioning, with nutrient availability as
an important determinant. Although phylogenetically distant bacteria and fungi commonly co …

A transiently hypersaline microbial mat harbors a diverse and stable archaeal community in the Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Mexico

NO Medina-Chávez, M Viladomat-Jasso, E Zarza… - Astrobiology, 2023 -
Microbial mats are biologically diverse communities that are analogs to some of the earliest
ecosystems on Earth. In this study, we describe a unique transiently hypersaline microbial …

Diversity of an uncommon elastic hypersaline microbial mat along a small-scale transect

L Espinosa-Asuar, C Monroy-Guzmán… - PeerJ, 2022 -
We evaluated the microbial diversity and metabolome profile of an uncommon hypersaline
elastic microbial mat from Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) in the Chihuahuan Desert of …

Systematic bioprospection for cellulolytic actinomycetes in the Chihuahuan Desert: isolation and enzymatic profiling

J Escudero-Agudelo, J Martínez-Villalobos… - PeerJ, 2023 -
The quest for microbial cellulases has intensified as a response to global challenges in
biofuel production. The efficient deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass holds promise for …

Diversity of archaea domain in cuatro cienegas basin: archaean domes

NO Medina-Chávez, M Viladomat-Jasso… - BioRxiv, 2019 -
Herein we describe the Archaea diversity in a shallow pond in the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin
(CCB), Northeast Mexico, with fluctuating hypersaline conditions containing elastic microbial …

Comparative genomics of free-living Gammaproteobacteria: pathogenesis-related genes or interaction-related genes?

M Vázquez-Rosas-Landa, GY Ponce-Soto… - Pathogens and …, 2017 -
Bacteria have numerous strategies to interact with themselves and with their environment,
but genes associated with these interactions are usually cataloged as pathogenic. To …

A new species of Trhypochthoniellus (Acari: Oribatida: Trhypochthoniidae) from Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, Mexico, and a key to the world species

M Ojeda, P Velez, L Espinosa-Asuar… - Systematic and Applied …, 2020 - BioOne
Trhypochthoniellus comprises nine species, being mostly associated to aquatic vegetation;
T. chilensis Ermilov & Weigmann as the only known species from North and South America …

Ecological relevance of abundant and rare taxa in a highly-diverse elastic hypersaline microbial mat, using a small-scale sampling

L Espinosa-Asuar, C Monroy, D Madrigal-Trejo… - bioRxiv, 2021 -
We evaluated the microbial diversity and metabolomic signatures of a hypersaline elastic
microbial mat from Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) in the Chihuahuan Desert of Coahuila …

Diversity and seasonality of fungal communities in soil from the Succulent Karoo biodiversity hotspot, South Africa

Z Pieterse, TAS Aveling, A Jacobs… - Journal of Arid …, 2020 - Elsevier
The fungal rhizosphere communities associated with soil surrounding Aizoaceae plants in
the Namaqua National Park in the Succulent Karoo biodiversity hotspot, South Africa, were …

Experimental and molecular approximation to microbial niche: trophic interactions between oribatid mites and microfungi in an oligotrophic freshwater system

P Velez, M Ojeda, L Espinosa-Asuar, TM Pérez… - PeerJ, 2018 -
Mite-fungal interactions play a key role in structuring core ecosystem processes such as
nutrient dynamics. Despite their ecological relevance, these cross-kingdom interactions …