[HTML][HTML] Long-term effectiveness of mHealth physical activity interventions: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Background Mobile health (mHealth) interventions can increase physical activity (PA);
however, their long-term impact is not well understood. Objective The primary aim of this …
however, their long-term impact is not well understood. Objective The primary aim of this …
Effectiveness of physical activity monitors in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
Objective To estimate the effectiveness of physical activity monitor (PAM) based
interventions among adults and explore reasons for the heterogeneity. Design Systematic …
interventions among adults and explore reasons for the heterogeneity. Design Systematic …
Effectiveness of aerobic exercise for adults living with HIV: systematic review and meta-analysis using the Cochrane Collaboration protocol
Background People with HIV are living longer with the health-related consequences of HIV,
multi-morbidity, and aging. Exercise is a key strategy that may improve or sustain health for …
multi-morbidity, and aging. Exercise is a key strategy that may improve or sustain health for …
Global physical activity levels among people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Purpose: It is unclear how much physical activity people living with HIV (PLWH) engage in.
We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate physical activity levels and its predictors in …
We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate physical activity levels and its predictors in …
Crafting a view of self-tracking data in the clinical visit
When self-tracking encounters clinical practices, the data is reshaped by goals and
expertise that exist within a healthcare framework. To uncover these sha** practices, we …
expertise that exist within a healthcare framework. To uncover these sha** practices, we …
Effectiveness of Progressive Resistive Exercise (PRE) in the context of HIV: systematic review and meta-analysis using the Cochrane Collaboration protocol
Background HIV is increasingly considered a chronic illness. More individuals are living
longer and aging with the health-related consequences associated with HIV and multi …
longer and aging with the health-related consequences associated with HIV and multi …
Effectiveness of integrated chronic care models for cardiometabolic multimorbidity in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Objectives This review aimed at identifying the elements of integrated care models for
cardiometabolic multimorbidity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and their effects on clinical or …
cardiometabolic multimorbidity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and their effects on clinical or …
[HTML][HTML] Functioning problems associated with health conditions with greatest disease burden in South Africa: A sco** review
A notable rise in health-related disability for which evidence-based rehabilitation is
beneficial is evident in low-to-middle income countries. This sco** review aimed to …
beneficial is evident in low-to-middle income countries. This sco** review aimed to …
Are you ready? Exploring readiness to engage in exercise among people living with HIV and multimorbidity in Toronto, Canada: a qualitative study
A Simonik, K Vader, D Ellis, D Kesbian, P Leung… - BMJ open, 2016 - bmjopen.bmj.com
Objectives Our aim was to explore readiness to engage in exercise among people living
with HIV and multimorbidity. Design We conducted a descriptive qualitative study using face …
with HIV and multimorbidity. Design We conducted a descriptive qualitative study using face …
Research priorities for rehabilitation and aging with HIV: a framework from the Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC)
Background People living with HIV are living longer, and can experience physical, mental
and social health challenges associated with aging and multimorbidity. Rehabilitation is well …
and social health challenges associated with aging and multimorbidity. Rehabilitation is well …