Magnetic topological insulator heterostructures: A review
Topological insulators (TIs) provide intriguing prospects for the future of spintronics due to
their large spin–orbit coupling and dissipationless, counter‐propagating conduction …
their large spin–orbit coupling and dissipationless, counter‐propagating conduction …
Recent advances in 2D rare earth materials
Abstract 2D rare earth (RE) materials have received considerable attention in recent years
due to the fascinating luminescence, magnetism, and electric properties originated from RE …
due to the fascinating luminescence, magnetism, and electric properties originated from RE …
Enhancement of electron mobility and thermoelectric power factor of cobalt‐doped n‐type Bi2Te3
We report the enhancement of electron mobility and power factor for 3D topological insulator
Bi2Te3 with Cobalt (Co) do**. Thermal variation of resistivity (ρ), thermopower (S), carrier …
Bi2Te3 with Cobalt (Co) do**. Thermal variation of resistivity (ρ), thermopower (S), carrier …
Investigation of thermoelectric and magnetotransport properties of single crystalline Bi2Se3 topological insulator
The realization of remarkable thermoelectric (TE) properties in a novel single-crystalline
quantum material is a topic of prime interest in the field of thermoelectricity. It necessitates a …
quantum material is a topic of prime interest in the field of thermoelectricity. It necessitates a …
Experimental demonstration of a magnetically induced war** transition in a topological insulator mediated by rare-earth surface dopants
Magnetic topological insulators constitute a novel class of materials whose topological
surface states (TSSs) coexist with long-range ferromagnetic order, eventually breaking time …
surface states (TSSs) coexist with long-range ferromagnetic order, eventually breaking time …
Exchange bias in magnetic topological insulator superlattices
Magnetic do** and proximity coupling can open a band gap in a topological insulator (TI)
and give rise to dissipationless quantum conduction phenomena. Here, by combining these …
and give rise to dissipationless quantum conduction phenomena. Here, by combining these …
Roles of surface and bulk states in giant magnetoresistance and anomalous hall effect in antiferromagnetically ordered Bi1. 9Dy0. 1Te3 topological insulators
A wide variety of emerging spintronic device concepts will greatly benefit from the use of
materials with an anomalous Hall effect and large magnetoresistance. In this regard, a …
materials with an anomalous Hall effect and large magnetoresistance. In this regard, a …
Ionic and electronic properties of the topological insulator investigated via -detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance of
We report measurements on the high-temperature ionic and low-temperature electronic
properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi 2 Te 2 Se using ion-implanted Li …
properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi 2 Te 2 Se using ion-implanted Li …
The influence of Dy concentration on the thermoelectric properties of n-type Dy-doped Bi2Te3 pellets prepared by hydrothermal and carbon burial sintering
Abstract Dy-doped Bi 2 Te 3 pellets with three different molar ratios between the precursors
BiCl 3 and DyCl 3∙ 6H 2 O (x= 0.05, 0.1, and 0.25) were prepared by hydrothermal and …
BiCl 3 and DyCl 3∙ 6H 2 O (x= 0.05, 0.1, and 0.25) were prepared by hydrothermal and …
Incipient antiferromagnetism in the Eu-doped topological insulator
Rare-earth ions typically exhibit larger magnetic moments than transition-metal ions and
thus promise the opening of a wider exchange gap in the Dirac surface states of topological …
thus promise the opening of a wider exchange gap in the Dirac surface states of topological …