Nonlinear coupling of electromagnetic and spin-electron-acoustic waves in spin-polarized degenerate relativistic astrophysical plasma
PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2023 -
Propagation of the finite amplitude electromagnetic wave through the partially spin-polarized
degenerate plasmas leads to an instability. This instability happens due to the interaction of …
degenerate plasmas leads to an instability. This instability happens due to the interaction of …
Spin magnetoacoustic wave
Spectra of magnetosonic waves are studied by taking account of spin-up and spin-down
electrons as two different fluids. It is found that the electron spin effect modifies the …
electrons as two different fluids. It is found that the electron spin effect modifies the …
Spin-electron-acoustic waves and solitons in high-density degenerate relativistic plasmas
PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2022 -
Spin-electron-acoustic waves (sometimes called spin-plasmons) can be found in
degenerate electron gases if spin-up electrons and spin-down electrons move relatively …
degenerate electron gases if spin-up electrons and spin-down electrons move relatively …
Relativistic kinetic theory for spin-1/2 particles: Conservation laws, thermodynamics, and linear waves
We study a recently derived fully relativistic kinetic model for spin-1/2 particles. First, the full
set of conservation laws for energy, momentum, and angular momentum are given together …
set of conservation laws for energy, momentum, and angular momentum are given together …
A transverse separate-spin-evolution streaming instability
By using the separate spin evolution quantum hydrodynamical model, the instability of
transverse mode due to electron streaming in a partially spin polarized magnetized …
transverse mode due to electron streaming in a partially spin polarized magnetized …
[HTML][HTML] Non linear analysis of obliquely propagating spin electron acoustic wave in a partially spin polarized degenerate plasma
Z Iqbal, G Murtaza - Physics Letters A, 2018 - Elsevier
By employing the separated spin evolution quantum hydrodynamic model, non-linear
evolution of obliquely propagating spin electron acoustic wave (SEAW) is presented. The …
evolution of obliquely propagating spin electron acoustic wave (SEAW) is presented. The …
Hydrodynamics of quantum corrections to the Coulomb interaction via the third rank tensor evolution equation: Application to Langmuir waves and spin-electron …
PA Andreev - Journal of Plasma Physics, 2021 -
The quantum effects in plasmas can be described by the hydrodynamics containing the
continuity and Euler equations. However, novel quantum phenomena are found via the …
continuity and Euler equations. However, novel quantum phenomena are found via the …
On the upper hybrid wave instability in a spin polarized degenerate plasma
Applying the separate spin evolution-quantum hydrodynamic model incorporating Coulomb
exchange interaction, the instabilities of upper hybrid mode and beam driven mode due to …
exchange interaction, the instabilities of upper hybrid mode and beam driven mode due to …
Beam driven temporal growth and spatial amplification of electrostatic waves in a partially spin polarized degenerate magnetized plasma
The temporal growth and spatial amplification of electrostatic waves due to the interaction of
an electron beam with a partially spin polarized degenerate magnetized plasma are studied …
an electron beam with a partially spin polarized degenerate magnetized plasma are studied …
Linear analysis of obliquely propagating longitudinal waves in partially spin polarized degenerate magnetized plasma
Z Iqbal, G Murtaza, A Hussain - Communications in Theoretical …, 2017 -
Linear analysis of low frequency obliquely propagating electrostatic waves in a partially spin
polarized degenerate magnetized plasma is presented. Using Fourier analysis, a general …
polarized degenerate magnetized plasma is presented. Using Fourier analysis, a general …