The rise and current status of polaritonic photochemistry and photophysics
The interaction between molecular electronic transitions and electromagnetic fields can be
enlarged to the point where distinct hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, emerge. The …
enlarged to the point where distinct hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, emerge. The …
Manipulating matter by strong coupling to vacuum fields
BACKGROUND One of the most important phenomena in cavity quantum electrodynamics
(cQED) is the so-called strong coupling regime, which appears when the interaction …
(cQED) is the so-called strong coupling regime, which appears when the interaction …
Chemistry under vibrational strong coupling
Over the past decade, the possibility of manipulating chemistry and material properties using
hybrid light–matter states has stimulated considerable interest. Hybrid light–matter states …
hybrid light–matter states has stimulated considerable interest. Hybrid light–matter states …
Exploiting chemistry and molecular systems for quantum information science
The power of chemistry to prepare new molecules and materials has driven the quest for
new approaches to solve problems having global societal impact, such as in renewable …
new approaches to solve problems having global societal impact, such as in renewable …
Cavity frequency-dependent theory for vibrational polariton chemistry
Recent experiments demonstrate the control of chemical reactivities by coupling molecules
inside an optical microcavity. In contrast, transition state theory predicts no change of the …
inside an optical microcavity. In contrast, transition state theory predicts no change of the …
Vibration-cavity polariton chemistry and dynamics
Molecular polaritons result from light-matter coupling between optical resonances and
molecular electronic or vibrational transitions. When the coupling is strong enough, new …
molecular electronic or vibrational transitions. When the coupling is strong enough, new …
[HTML][HTML] Molecular polaritons for controlling chemistry with quantum optics
This is a tutorial-style introduction to the field of molecular polaritons. We describe the basic
physical principles and consequences of strong light–matter coupling common to molecular …
physical principles and consequences of strong light–matter coupling common to molecular …
Cavity catalysis by cooperative vibrational strong coupling of reactant and solvent molecules
Here, we report the catalytic effect of vibrational strong coupling (VSC) on the solvolysis of
para‐nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA), which increases the reaction rate by an order of …
para‐nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA), which increases the reaction rate by an order of …
Intermolecular vibrational energy transfer enabled by microcavity strong light–matter coupling
Selective vibrational energy transfer between molecules in the liquid phase, a difficult
process hampered by weak intermolecular forces, is achieved through polaritons formed by …
process hampered by weak intermolecular forces, is achieved through polaritons formed by …
Swinging between shine and shadow: Theoretical advances on thermally activated vibropolaritonic chemistry
Polariton chemistry has emerged as an appealing branch of synthetic chemistry that
promises mode selectivity and a cleaner approach to kinetic control. Of particular interest are …
promises mode selectivity and a cleaner approach to kinetic control. Of particular interest are …