The role of context in SME internationalization–A review
This article reviews how context has been considered in studies on SME
internationalization. It examines 333 articles published during the period 2010–2020 in …
internationalization. It examines 333 articles published during the period 2010–2020 in …
[HTML][HTML] Riding the waves of family firm internationalization: A systematic literature review, integrative framework, and research agenda
Despite the proliferation in research efforts, family firm (FF) internationalization scholarship
suffers from fragmentation, theoretical limitations, and empirical indeterminacy, leaving …
suffers from fragmentation, theoretical limitations, and empirical indeterminacy, leaving …
Research Published in Management International Review from 2006 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Directions
Abstract The Management International Review (MIR) celebrated its 60th anniversary in
2020. In commemoration of this event, we use a bibliometric analysis to present a …
2020. In commemoration of this event, we use a bibliometric analysis to present a …
Behind the internationalization of family SMEs: A strategy tripod synthesis
Abstract Research Summary We review and synthesize the growing literature concerning
the internationalization of small and medium‐sized family enterprises (family SMEs) around …
the internationalization of small and medium‐sized family enterprises (family SMEs) around …
The role of the board chair—A literature review and suggestions for future research
Abstract Research Question/Issue The role of the board chair has become increasingly
complex in recent decades. Research on corporate governance has called for and has …
complex in recent decades. Research on corporate governance has called for and has …
Foreign market entry modes of family firms: A review and research agenda
Although research on foreign market entry mode choice is spread across various aspects
and dimensions, a comprehensive review that accumulates the knowledge holistically in the …
and dimensions, a comprehensive review that accumulates the knowledge holistically in the …
SME research: SMEs' internationalization and collaborative innovation as two central topics in the field
SMEs' internationalization and innovation activities represent fundamental economic
activities that are conducive to SMEs' individual success, but likewise contribute to the …
activities that are conducive to SMEs' individual success, but likewise contribute to the …
Strategic change in family firms: A review from an institutional environment and firm size perspective
Using a framework that intersects strategic management and institutional economics, we
show how differences in institutional environments and firm resources influence different …
show how differences in institutional environments and firm resources influence different …
Out of the comfort zone! Family leaders' subsidiary ownership choices and the role of vulnerabilities
Based on the socioemotional wealth approach and a sample of 3,904 subsidiary ownership
choices made by 586 family firms, this study shows that family-managed firms (ie, those …
choices made by 586 family firms, this study shows that family-managed firms (ie, those …
Family multinationals: A systematic literature review to take stock and look ahead
Purpose The authors develop a systematic literature review of research on family
multinationals, ie firms owned by one or more families that engage in foreign direct …
multinationals, ie firms owned by one or more families that engage in foreign direct …