The role of context in SME internationalization–A review

J Child, J Karmowska, O Shenkar - Journal of World Business, 2022 - Elsevier
This article reviews how context has been considered in studies on SME
internationalization. It examines 333 articles published during the period 2010–2020 in …

[HTML][HTML] Riding the waves of family firm internationalization: A systematic literature review, integrative framework, and research agenda

F Debellis, E Rondi, E Plakoyiannaki… - Journal of World …, 2021 - Elsevier
Despite the proliferation in research efforts, family firm (FF) internationalization scholarship
suffers from fragmentation, theoretical limitations, and empirical indeterminacy, leaving …

Research Published in Management International Review from 2006 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Directions

D Mukherjee, S Kumar, N Donthu, N Pandey - Management International …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The Management International Review (MIR) celebrated its 60th anniversary in
2020. In commemoration of this event, we use a bibliometric analysis to present a …

Behind the internationalization of family SMEs: A strategy tripod synthesis

S Lahiri, D Mukherjee, MW Peng - Global Strategy Journal, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Research Summary We review and synthesize the growing literature concerning
the internationalization of small and medium‐sized family enterprises (family SMEs) around …

The role of the board chair—A literature review and suggestions for future research

A Banerjee, M Nordqvist… - … : An International Review, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Research Question/Issue The role of the board chair has become increasingly
complex in recent decades. Research on corporate governance has called for and has …

Foreign market entry modes of family firms: A review and research agenda

A Jain, S Thukral, J Paul - Journal of Business Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Although research on foreign market entry mode choice is spread across various aspects
and dimensions, a comprehensive review that accumulates the knowledge holistically in the …

SME research: SMEs' internationalization and collaborative innovation as two central topics in the field

DB Audretsch, C Guenther - Journal of Business Economics, 2023 - Springer
SMEs' internationalization and innovation activities represent fundamental economic
activities that are conducive to SMEs' individual success, but likewise contribute to the …

Strategic change in family firms: A review from an institutional environment and firm size perspective

V Skorodziyevskiy, C Sherlock, E Su… - Family Business …, 2024 -
Using a framework that intersects strategic management and institutional economics, we
show how differences in institutional environments and firm resources influence different …

Out of the comfort zone! Family leaders' subsidiary ownership choices and the role of vulnerabilities

C Pongelli, A Calabrò, F Quarato… - Family Business …, 2021 -
Based on the socioemotional wealth approach and a sample of 3,904 subsidiary ownership
choices made by 586 family firms, this study shows that family-managed firms (ie, those …

Family multinationals: A systematic literature review to take stock and look ahead

E Rondi, F Debellis, C Bettinelli… - International Marketing …, 2022 -
Purpose The authors develop a systematic literature review of research on family
multinationals, ie firms owned by one or more families that engage in foreign direct …